modern military strategy

The freedom of frontline managers to continually fine-tune their product offerings ensured that Capital One maintained its razor-sharp focus on attracting and retaining only the most profitable customers. His most famous assertion being: For Clausewitz, war was first and foremost a political act, and thus the purpose of all strategy was to achieve the political goal that the state was seeking to accomplish. Hitler's strategy involved building up German military and economic strength through re-armament, while seeking to avoid an early war by diplomatic engagement with France, Britain and (later) the Soviet Union (Stalin-Hitler Pact of August 1939). The problem with attrition was that the use of fortified defenses in depth generally required a ratio of ten attackers to one defender, or a level of artillery support which was simply not feasible until late 1917, for any reasonable chance of victory. In the years following World War I, two of the technologies that had been introduced during that conflict, the aircraft and the tank, became the subject of strategic study. In the Seven Years' War (1756–1763), Frederick the Great improvised a "strategy of exhaustion" (see attrition warfare) to hold off his opponents and conserve his Prussian forces. The first blow of the 1967 Arab—Israeli War, in the Israeli air force launched a devastating air attack against all of the Egyptian air force bases, was based stealth. Churchill especially favoured a Southern strategy, aiming to attack the "soft underbelly" of Axis Europe through Italy, Greece and the Balkans in a strategy similar to the First World War idea of "knocking out the supports". Collectively, such frontline decisions were the driving force behind Continental’s widely heralded turnaround. Mao then convinced other high-ranking political officers in the party to acquire the support of the local population whilst fighting their way northwards from the Nationalist forces. As a reaction to her World War I experience, France entered World War II with a purely defensive doctrine, epitomized by the "impregnable" Maginot Line, but only to be completely circumvented by the German blitzkrieg in the Fall of France. Here the terror engendered by the bloody reputation of the Mongolians helped to intimidate and subdue. That is, it was Germany which was the prop, and her allies (particularly Bulgaria and Austria-Hungary) did not suffer significant reverses until Germany's ability to come to their aid was grossly impaired. In several aircraft carrier battles, the initiative was taken from the Japanese, and after the Battle of Midway, the Japanese navy was rendered helpless, effectively giving the Americans vast naval superiority. Combined, these three factors constitute the final attribute of military conflict, the state toward which warfare naturally gravitates: disorder. Through this period, and until the German invasion of the USSR in June 1941, there was no possibility of Britain winning the war alone, and so British Grand Strategy aimed to bring the USA into the war on the allied side. Perhaps more significant, companies that “win” using outdated strategies—for example, through lengthy wars of attrition, such as protracted price wars—may find themselves so exhausted that their executives, their shareholders, and their market valuations do not recover for some time. Maneuver warfare represents—in the words of the United States Marine Corps doctrinal manual, Warfighting—“a state of mind bent on shattering the enemy morally and physically by paralyzing and confounding him, by avoiding his strength, by quickly and aggressively ploiting his vulnerabilities, and by striking him in a way that will hurt him most.” Its ultimate aim is not to destroy the adversary’s forces but to render them unable to fight as an effective, coordinated whole. But military commanders, as well as business executives, must be sure that their troops do more than survive: They must prevail. Many of the lessons of the American Civil War were forgotten, when in wars like the Austro-Prussian War or the Franco-Prussian War, manoeuvre won the day. Prime Minister Churchill devoted much of his diplomatic efforts to this goal. Accordingly, he halted existing reorganization plans and bet IBM’s future viability on its mainframes and services businesses. The ability of the defender to move troops using interior lines prevented the possibility of fully exploiting any breakthrough with the level of technology then attainable. Nevertheless, Churchill expressed the view that with the entry of the USA into the war, ultimate victory was assured for the Allies. In stage one, the revolutionary force sets up in a remote area with mountainous or otherwise difficult terrain where its enemy is weak, and attempts to establish a local stronghold known as a revolutionary base area. Australia's defensive doctrine saw a fierce campaign fought along the Kokoda track in New Guinea. A trebuchet or other type of ballista weapon would be used to launch dead animals and corpses into a besieged city, spreading disease and death, such as the Black Plague. The signing of the Molotov–Ribbentrop pact gave the USSR freedom to, in its view, preempt hostile action from nations along its Western border. Sun Tzu (544-496 BC) is often considered as the father of Eastern military strategy and greatly influenced Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese historical and modern war tactics. Wargame: Red Dragon. Once the number of on-line orders reached a critical mass, Delta Airlines, in a move quickly emulated by other airlines, surprised unsuspecting travel agents by slashing commissions, from 10% of the value of each ticket sold to a flat $50 (and later $35) per ticket. In many cases, it was decided that there was a need for a separation. Combat was still usually waged by opposing divisions with skirmish lines on rural battlefields, violent naval engagements by cannon-armed sailing or steam-powered vessels, and assault on military forces defending a town. Warfare, in general, takes place on multiple levels. Eventually in stage three, the movement has enough strength to encircle and capture cities of increasing size, until finally it seizes power in the entire country. ... a free-to-play strategy browser game that puts you in command of a modern military arsenal. The use of the military by the politicians to police areas seen as bases for these guerrillas leads to them[who?] “In an environment of friction, uncertainty, and fluidity,” according to the Marines’ manual, “plans will go awry, instructions and information will be unclear and misinterpreted, communications will fail, and mistakes and unforeseen events be commonplace.” Quite simply, disorder implies a competitive situation that deteriorates as time progresses. Instead of mainly being confined to Europe or the Pacific, the entire world was the battlefield, with countries rather than armies acting as main players. Or the information that does exist may suggest a cautious approach. Using this strategy not only prevented the Communist leadership from collapsing, but also raised popular support across China, which eventually allowed them to take total control over the Chinese mainland. This requires shifting resources to endeavors with uncertain—sometimes highly uncertain—outcomes. After Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party took power in 1933, Germany's political goals also included the accumulation of Lebensraum ("Living space") for the Germanic "race" and the elimination of Communism as a political rival to Nazism. At the Second Quebec Conference in September 1944, the Allies agreed to partition and de-industrialize a defeated Germany so as to render her permanently unable to wage war Morgenthau Plan. In the late 1980s, Toyota focused $500 million and its engineering might on an emerging U.S. market segment of young, affluent, but price-sensitive luxury-car buyers. The concepts of maneuver warfare, while valuable individually, are most powerful when applied in an integrated fashion. As ruler and general he dealt with the grand strategy as well as the operational strategy, making use of political and economic measures. In addition, these managers were encouraged to identify and attack the critical vulnerabilities of companies in new markets—such as automobile leasing and cell phone bandwidth reselling. Modern Military Strategy will fill this gap in the literature, with chapters on the conduct of war in each of the naval, land, air, space and cyber dimensions, and on nuclear strategy, and irregular war and counterinsurgency. Frederick's "victory" led to great significance being placed on "geometric strategy" which emphasized lines of manoeuvre, awareness of terrain and possession of critical strong-points. AAP-6(V) NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitions, British Defence Doctrine, Edition 3, 2008, Field-Marshal Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, A History of Warfare, Collins. or Yugoslavia in 1999.[41]. [4] Military strategy deals with the planning and conduct of campaigns, the movement and disposition of forces, and the deception of the enemy. Taken as a whole, they provide a useful framework for thinking about business strategy. Since these were controlled by American allies, war with the USA was seen as inevitable; thus, Japanese leaders decided it would be best to deal a severe blow to the U.S. first. Strategy, which is a subdiscipline of warfare and of foreign policy, is a principal tool to secure national interests. He would then use part of his force to mask one army while the larger portion overwhelmed and defeated the second army quickly. Capital One began by targeting critical vulnerabilities of commercial banks that offered credit cards: their obliviousness to the significant differences in profitability among customers and the potential of exploiting these differences. Although successful, this focused attack was not without risk. In addition to exploiting railroads and highways for manoeuvre, Moltke also exploited the telegraph for control of large armies. [42] Many are today deployed against guerrilla-style opponents where their strengths cannot be used to effect. One of these strategies was shown in the battle between Greek city states and Persia. A strategy is a plan, method, or series of actions for obtaining a specified goal. More interesting than the fact that Capital One applied all these elements is the way in which these concepts complemented and reinforced one another. While risk taking “must be tempered with judgment lest it border on recklessness,” it is sometimes needed to achieve a major victory. Once the Second World War had begun with France and Britain as allies, German strategy aimed to win a short war in France and to force Britain to the negotiating table. This can be seen as a variant of the war of attrition strategy, where the defender—out of necessity—had to hold the aggressor at a semi-static defensive line, rather than falling back in the face of superior numbers. Whether Hitler intended global or merely European conquest, or whether he even had a plan for war in advance is debated; see Nazi foreign policy (historiographic debate). In just 52 hours, his force captured 150 Italian officers, 9,000 soldiers, and 81 heavy guns while incurring casualties of only six dead and 30 wounded. By creatively combining complementary weapons, the practitioner of maneuver warfare can create a situation in which “to counteract one [attack], the enemy must become more vulnerable to another.” This makes the effectiveness of a commander’s arsenal greater than if the weapons were deployed individually. This had a negative effect on enemy morale. (shelved 26 times as military-strategy) avg rating 3.98 … Business has gone through a dramatic transformation in recent years. This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to post-Cold War military theory for students of strategic studies. He would then march on the second army leaving a portion to pursue the first army and repeat the operations (defeat in detail). Almost all the blitzkrieg commanders of World War II, particularly Erwin Rommel, were stormtroopers in World War I. Technological advances also had a huge influence on strategy: aerial reconnaissance, artillery techniques, poison gas, the automobile and tank (though the latter was, even at the end of the war, still in its infancy), telephone and radio telegraphy. The British, who had always relied on a strong navy and a small regular army, were forced to undertake a rapid expansion of the army. in turn from "στρατηγός" (strategos), "leader or commander of an army, general",[24] a compound of "στρατός" (stratos), "army, host" + "ἀγός" (agos), "leader, chief",[25] in turn from "ἄγω" (ago), "to lead". [6] The Art of War by Sun Tzu grew in popularity and saw practical use in Western society as well. The campaigns of Alexander the Great, Chandragupta Maurya, Hannibal, Qin Shi Huang, Julius Cæsar, Zhuge Liang, Khalid ibn al-Walid and, in particular, Cyrus the Great demonstrate strategic planning and movement. Broadly stated, strategy is the planning, coordination, and general direction of military operations to meet overall political and military objectives. Fundamental to grand strategy is the diplomacy through which a nation might forge alliances or pressure another nation into compliance, thereby achieving victory without resorting to combat. BattleTech (PC) While BattleTech doesn’t technically feature the real-life military, it does revolve … The Peninsular campaign was notable for the development of another method of warfare which went largely unnoticed at the time, but would become far more common in the 20th century. Despite the oft-cited analogy between warfare and business, military principles clearly can’t be applied wholesale in a business environment. At a time when industrialisation was rapidly changing naval technology, one American strategist, Alfred Thayer Mahan, almost single-handedly brought the field of naval strategy up to date. This sequel to the original turn-based strategy game, Banner Saga, picks up immediately where the first game left off.… Initially, the lack of force concentration helped with foraging for food and sought to confuse the enemy as to his real location and intentions. So has warfare. Almost immediately after identifying an opportunity to sell a new line of frozen foods, Jenny Craig invested heavily in that product line and its requisite storage capacity. The USSR had been overtly hostile to Nazi Germany for most of the pre-war period, but the failure of appeasement convinced Stalin that the Allies were actively seeking a Nazi–Soviet war. The boldness of the move was highlighted by the company’s initial difficulties: From 1989 to 1991, for example, Capital One’s losses from its credit card portfolio doubled. Early strategies included the strategy of annihilation, exhaustion, attrition warfare, scorched earth action, blockade, guerrilla campaign, deception and feint. The props eventually fell, but only because they were themselves no longer supported. Stealth is used to “deny the enemy any knowledge of impending action.” It keeps rivals in a state of unawareness until sudden, unexpected action is taken. Under Gerstner’s watch, IBM invested heavily to overhaul and revive its line of mainframes, which he believed would still be necessary to tie networks together in much the same manner that servers did. Use stealth, ambiguity, and deception to degrade the quality of information available to competitors and impair their ability to deploy resources efficiently. The book is respectful of history while being anchored firmly in current realities, yet manages to be future-leaning persuasively.' Consequently, the North Koreans devoted few resources to defending it. When talking with customers, though, Gerstner kept hearing that large corporations still wanted a specialized outsider to formulate their technology strategies and build and operate their complex networked systems. Certainly, the sources for medieval strategic thought lack the literary appeal of the classic histories of ancient Greece and Rome. Through the summer and fall of 1942, German strategy to win the war remained based on defeating the USSR. In contrast to Clausewitz, Antoine-Henri Jomini dealt mainly with operational strategy, planning and intelligence, the conduct of the campaign, and "generalship" rather than "statesmanship". In Germany, study groups were set up by Hans von Seeckt, commander of the Reichswehr Truppenamt, for 57 areas of strategy and tactics to learn from World War I and to adapt strategy to avoid the stalemate and then defeat they had suffered. Such a signal can take the form of a deliberate release of misinformation or the more subtle form of distorted information left “on display,” with the anticipation that the opposition will observe it. "[15] Field-Marshal Montgomery summed it up thus "Strategy is the art of distributing and applying military means, such as armed forces and supplies, to fulfil the ends of policy. 'beneath') her on the map. World War I ended when the ability of the German army to fight became so diminished that Germany asked for peace conditions. In particular, his opponents were keen to develop a body of knowledge in this area to allow them to counteract a masterful individual with a highly competent group of officers, a General Staff. Nevertheless, the USSR managed to halt the German advance at the outskirts of Moscow and Leningrad. After the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Germany launched and almost succeeded in a final offensive. 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