euraxess phd 2020

Find out more about your pension rights in Europe, including the pan-European pension scheme for researchers: RESAVER. 01/10/2020 - FOREIGN LANGUAGES, LITERATURES AND CULTURES Researchers can benefit from innovative training that enhances their employability and career development. Cox, Pamela 2/17/59 - 11/30/20 On November 30, 2020 Pam (Brethauer) Cox, 61, after a long battle with cancer, went to be with her Lord and Savior. Get in touch with them, now! EURAXESS supports you through the process of planning and implementing action steps towards your career goals, with the help of its Career Development Centres, useful information, training resources and many more to come! The European Research Council (ERC) funding schemes are open to top researchers of any nationality or age who wish to carry out their frontier research in Member States of the European Union or associated countries. The Innovative Training Network " SOPLAS - Macro and Microplastic in Agricultural Soil Systems " is funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions) and offers 14 fully-funded PhD positions (for early-stage researcher (ESR)) with attractive complementary training activities and generous travel, laboratory and research budgets. Application deadline: 1 st May 2020. The Unit of Environmental Engineering (IUT) is part of the biggest Education and Research Institution in western Austria, which is the University Innsbruck. A very large panel of topics covers the programme. A new Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (MSCA-ITN) funded by the European Union H2020 programme named HIDDeN ("Hunting Invisibles: Dark sectors, Dark matter and Neutrinos") officially started on October 1st, 2020. PhD Position - Cognitive Neuroscience Application Deadline: 31/08/2020 00:00 - Europe/Brussels Contact Details. COVID-19: a questionnaire for travellers. Even if you haven't thought about retirement yet, it is a good idea to get started now to ensure a comfortable pension. Where to send your application. Launch of Horizon Europe Full-time PhD position in the EU Horizon 2020 project ‘RE-SAMPLE’ on effective disease management and personalised prediction and decision making for complex chronic conditions PhD position in the EU Horizon 2020 project ‘RE-SAMPLE' M/F | EURAXESS Find and recruit the best researchers from all disciplines across the world. Are you changing jobs or moving to another country and not sure what to expect? The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) support Researchers at all stages of their careers, irrespective of nationality. Check the ERC website for more information. You can find information about previous editions and results here: Following the proposal made by the Scientific Council in the meeting of 27th July 2020, and after the approval by the President of the Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA), entitled by the Rector of the Universidade de Lisboa, as stated by Ordinance no. The European Union and its partners hosted an international pledging marathon during May 2020. Additionally, a EURAXESS information website for Australia and New Zealand went online in June 2018. The event will... Four 3-year PhD positions of HIDDeN ITN are open for application, with starting dates during 2021 and no later than October 1st, 2021. If interested, you can beneficiate from all these, by following two easy steps. Pesticides are major environmental pollutants. EUROPEAN COMMISSION'S ACTION ON CORONAVIRUS. Supervisor: Dr. Thomas Frischmuth (baseclick GmbH, Neuried, Germany) The Research Center for Hetero-Epitaxis and its Applications (CRHEA - UPR10) is a CNRS research laboratory specializing in the epitaxy of high bandgap semiconductor materials such as element III nitride materials (GaN, AlN), zinc oxide (ZnO), silicon carbide (SiC) and their micro- and nanofabrication in a clean room. The candidate will work on the development of novel synthetic … Application for admission to the courses: - ARCHITECTURE: INNOVATION AND HERITAGE The responsibility for the jobs published on this website, including the job description, lies entirely with the publishing institutions. Full-time PhD position in the EU Horizon 2020 project ‘RE-SAMPLE’ on effective disease management and personalised prediction and decision making for complex chronic conditions PhD position in the EU Horizon 2020 project ‘RE-SAMPLE' M/F | EURAXESS Are... 09/10/2020. Full-time PhD position in the EU Horizon 2020 project ‘RE-SAMPLE’ on effective disease management and personalised prediction and decision making for complex chronic conditions PhD position in the EU Horizon 2020 project ‘RE-SAMPLE' M/F | EURAXESS Montenegro Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for one of 10 full time, 4-year positions as an early stage researcher/PhD student in the INTEGRATE programme within the SFI Centre for Research Training (CRT) in Genomics Data Science at the National University of Ireland, Galway. Follow the advice of public health authorities, and the websites of relevant EU and international organisations: ECDC and WHO. EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion is a unique pan-European initiative delivering information and support services to professional researchers. Second step : select "Science4Refugees" in the "Personal Preferences" section of your profile in order to declare your interest in an internship or a job under the Science4Refugees initiative. - CIVILIZATION AND LITERARY-LINGUISTIC CULTURES FROM ANCIENT TO MODERN TIMES The Innovative Training Network “SOPLAS – Macro and Microplastic in Agricultural Soil Systems” is funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions) and offers 14 fully funded PhD positions (for early-stage researchers (ESR)) with attractive complementary training activities and generous travel, laboratory and research … 1.„Seminar for Arabian Studies”, British Foundation for the Study of Arabia (BFSA), University of Leiden, 11-13 July 2019. Are you seeking for personalised, free of charge assistance when relocating for your research project ? Full-time PhD position in the EU Horizon 2020 project ‘RE-SAMPLE’ on effective disease management and personalised prediction and decision making for complex chronic conditions PhD position in the EU Horizon 2020 project ‘RE-SAMPLE' M/F | EURAXESS Multi-omic data integration is challenging due to the high … Moving between jobs and countries can cause complications regarding your pension. The programme aims to raise the profile of flavor science research in Europe by encouraging students of differing scientific disciplines to engage in innovating flavor-related research PhD projects and thus to advance the exciting and challenging field of flavor … - MARKETS, BUSINESS AND CONSUMERS February 2020| Issue 25| Page 6 of 37 EURAXESS Latin America and the Caribbean Below, a selection of open PhD positions offered by MSCA ITN. EURAXESS provides practical support to researchers as they relocate for work. What is funded Net monthly scholarship amount: minimum € 2,075.90 Fixed bench fee: € 3,720 per year By order of the Rector of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, issued on November 2nd, 2020,and in accordance with the Decree-Law nº 57/2016 of 29 August, with the amendment introduced by Law 57/2017 of 19 July, ITQB NOVA opens a call for a PhD Researcher, under the scope of a project financed by Pfizer Portugal, entitled “PneumoY3 – Effect of universal use of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on … Four (4) training position designed to contribute tow. ERC offers different types of grants: Starting Grants, Consolidator Grants, Advanced Grants and Proof of Concept. 36 months doctoral funding (October 2021 to September 2024) Keywords oxides, ferroelectrics, thermal properties Are... 09/10/2020. Applications are invited for a PhD position (Early Stage Researcher) to be funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network “TERAOPTICS – Terahertz Photonics for Communications, Space, Security, Radio-Astronomy, and Material Science”. In October 2015, the European Commission has launched the Science4Refugees initiative to help refugee scientists and researchers find suitable jobs that both improve their own situation and put their skills and experience to good use in Europe's research system. Virtual MSCA 2020 Conference - 29 September Start date (planned): ideally from 1 st June 2020 on. For country-specific information, browse EURAXESS National Portals or contact EURAXESS support centers. The final of the Coimbra Group Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition will take place on 22 October at 10 CET... As a member of the EURAXESS network, you can use FIND MEMBERS to look up for your fellow colleagues. Outline A PhD Fellowship strategic basic research (SB) allows young researchers to prepare a PhD, and to develop into strategically thinking and innovation-oriented scientists. 04/02/2021 - POLITICAL SCIENCE Where to … You can find partners in business and academia to help you get started, find out about funding and many more. All the information you need – from the start of your career to retirement – is at your fingertips in WORKING ENVIRONMENT. Outline A PhD Fellowship fundamental research allows young researchers to prepare a PhD, and to develop into independent scientists with a critical mindset. 12/10/2020 CRHEA also studies 2D materials such as graphene, or boron EURAXESS is also your gateway to Science4Refugees, a Commission's initiative helping refugee researchers find suitable jobs in today's challenging research landscape.Part of the initiative, is the Science4Refugees Research Buddies, supporting refugee scientists in finding European researchers to discuss problems, find solutions and study together, by matching their research field, scientific studies and interests. Packed with information, EURAXESS covers mobility issues for researchers and entrepreneurs, allows universities and businesses to find the right talent, and connects people, projects and funding. Are you looking for funding ? Earning a PhD is an advantage in today’s job market. MSCA ITN (Comm4CHILD) – PhD … - MOLECULAR, CELLULAR AND ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY See all news. PhD Call 2020/2021 Application Deadline: 08/09/2020 23:59 - Europe/Brussels Contact Details. In addition to research funding, researchers can benefit from experience abroad and in the private sector. The final of the Coimbra Group Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition will take place on 22 October at 10 CET... On 30 September, the Commission adopted a Communication on a new European Research Area for Research and Innovation . EURAXESS Worldwide offers researchers the opportunity to interact on a global scale. Are you a refugee researcher looking to stay up to date in your research field? 20% of the mentee positions will be available for researchers currently working outside of Spain. Application deadline: 1 st May 2020. Did you know that there are European researchers out there ready to help you ? Visit the MSCA website to get more information about various funding schemes and application requirements. Refine your search by filtering the Researcher Profile.This classification aims to communicate the various characteristics that researchers may have throughout their career.It describes four broad profiles that apply to all researchers, independent of where they work in the private or public sector: in companies, NGOs, research institutes, research universities or universities of applied sciences. PHD Position - Requirements, Architecture and Lifecycle Engineering (2 positions, full-time, each initially 2 years, extension is possible, TV-L E13, completing a PhD … Please login to access this functionality. - EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIAL THEORY AND RESEARCH You can post your vacancies, look through CVs, and create partnerships on EURAXESS. 1 PhD position (Early Stage Researcher) within the INCIPIT CONFUND project (grant agreement n. 665403) co-funded by HORIZON 2020/Marie Sklodowska Curie Action for the implementation of the following research project: “Development of statistical methods and computational tools for the integration of multi-omic data”. 36 months doctoral funding (October 2021 to September 2024) Keywords Sonoporation, liver metastases, colorectal cancer, imaging, therapy Profile and skills required Mandatory skills: - Scientific and technical skills in cell biology, animal physiology and oncology; - Knowledge of statistical tools (R, Prism); If you are looking to improve your employability and develop your career with the help of training, you have come to the right place. How would feel about being part of a large research community and having your CV data searched by top notch recruiters ? Have a look at the Science4Refugees Buddy Programme ! IMPORTANT: email title “Rekrutacja nr 74/2020” The best applicants will be invited for a interview (on-site or online) between 06.01 – 14.01 2021. Please login to access this functionality. Have a look at : Are you looking for collaborators ? Disclaimer: The responsibility for the jobs published on this website, including the job description, lies entirely with the publishing institutions. STiBNite is a ITN European Training Network (ITN-ETN) that has been selected for funding by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme (pending signature of the GA), promoting the development of the next-generation of tailored BN-doped macromolecular organic semiconductor materials. You will be trained at the highest level to become future leaders in battery technologies. - LANGUAGE (agreement with Roma Sapienza) PARTNERING is the collaboration tool that helps you find partners in business, academia, as well as entrepreneurs and researchers. VISIT EURAXESS POLAND READ ALL SUCCESS STORIES, ​VISIT EURAXESS POLAND READ ALL SUCCESS STORIES, Visit EURAXESS Sweden READ ALL SUCCESS STORIES, Visit EURAXESS LUXEMBOURG READ ALL SUCCESS STORIES. Fundamental research in the context of a PhD fellowship stands for challenging and innovative research (at PhD level). Outline Eleventh Edition European PhD Flavor Research Awards - Academic year 2020/2021 for final year PhD students. All these positions require mobility. The MSCA also support industrial doctorates, combining academic research with work experience in companies. Where to send your application. On 30 September, the Commission adopted a Communication on a new European Research Area for Research and Innovation . Discover the Scientific Visa Package which will facilitate your move to Europe, with lots of useful information about your stay. Applications are invited for a PhD position (Early Stage Researcher) to be funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network “TERAOPTICS – Terahertz Photonics for Communications, Space, Security, Radio-Astronomy, and … The MSCA Conference Achieving more together will take place on 29 September as a virtual event . Horizon 2020 funds high-potential innovation through a dedicated SME instrument, which offers seamless business innovation support. Pamela Cox. Within the frame of NATURE-ETN, the baseclick GmbH is looking for a PhD student in the field of biochemistry for a duration of 3 years, starting on 01.06.2020. The application is handled uniquely by the employer, who is also fully responsible for the recruitment and selection processes. Please contact if you wish to download all jobs in XML. This included a pledge of €1.4 billion by the Commisison, to ensure the collaborative development and universal deployment of diagnostics, treatments and vaccines against coronavirus. The MSCA Conference Achieving more together will take place on 29 September as a virtual event . ARISTO is an International Training Network (ITN) funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement. PREVIOUS EDITIONS. Interested in research projects and initiatives to tackle the spread of coronavirus and preparedness for other outbreaks? The first edition was implemented in 2019 as a pilot within the EURAXESS TOP IV project. - MATTER SCIENCES, NANOTECHNOLOGY AND COMPLEX SYSTEMS You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Supervisor: Dr. Thomas Frischmuth (baseclick GmbH, Neuried, Germany) Find out what they are! Researchers working across all disciplines are eligible for funding. If you are a non-EU national, as a researcher you have several ways of entering Europe for work. For this reason the European Commission has imposed a stringent pesticide regulatory scheme for pesticides authorisation, where risk assessment for aquatic As an example, a PhD student recruited by CNRS will receive a gross salary of 2,135€ per month. The Commission registered €9.8 billion in pledges from donors worldwide during the Coronavirus Global Response pledging event. At EURAXESS we are committed to ease your access to the best research training resources! Print this offer. As a member of the EURAXESS network, you can use FIND ORGANISATIONS to look up for your fellow colleagues. - ECONOMY The Commission announced today that the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) will support - with up to €100 million over five years - 19 doctoral and 24 post-doctoral researcher training programmes of outstanding quality from 11 EU Member States and 3 associated countries. 36 months doctoral funding (October 2021 to September 2024) Keywords oxides, ferroelectrics, thermal properties PhD Student (position code 11-2020) in the Bioactive Materials Laboratory of Dr. Britta Trappmann. First step : register and create your Researcher profile at the Science4Refugees page. All services of the EURAXESS Network are free of charge. - LAW & SOCIAL CHANGE (agreement with 5 foreign universities) The EURAXESS Career Development Centres have dedicated staff ready to assist reserchers with advice on career development opportunities. POLITICS, TECHNIQUES AND VISUAL STUDIES The interview for „Warszawska Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Ścisłych i BioMedycznych” (Warsaw Doctoral School “Warsaw-4-PhD”) will be carried out between 25.01 – 03.02 2021 at the IPC-PAS. Have you got a great idea? COVID-19: a questionnaire for travellers. These Top 5 research fields are currently trending within the network. - HISTORY, TERRITORY AND CULTURAL HERITAGE. 09/09/2020 At EURAXESS you can find thousands of job offers, funding opportunities and get free assistance when changing countries for work. When posting offers on EURAXESS, you will able to indicate that the position offered is promoted as a Science4Refugees position. Horizon Europe, the new ambitious European Framework Programme on Research and Innovation for the period of 2021 to 2027, was... Are you interested in learning more about the employers' training principles for doctoral researchers? You can find information about previous editions and results here: - CONTEMPORARY CITY LANDSCAPES. Pamela Cox. - LEGAL DISCIPLINES News Eligible destination country/ies for fellows: Eligibility of fellows: country/ies of residence:, EURAXESS offer ID: 546122 Posting organisation offer ID: 177888. - PHILOSOPHY (agreement with Rome Tor Vergata) Welcome EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion is a unique pan-European initiative delivering information and support services to professional researchers. - PHYSICS (agreement with INFN) If your future partner is a researcher/entrepreneur, you are just one click away from getting connected ! Start date (planned): ideally from 1 st June 2020 on. Are you looking for someone to join your research team? The IUT belongs to the Department of Infrastructure Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences. Based... You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. In FIND ORGANISATIONS you can search the database to find partners in business and academia. Coimbra Group Three Minute Thesis competition - BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES - APPLIED ELECTRONICS - MATEMATICS All services of the EURAXESS Network are free of charge. PhD Project: A computational approach towards the understanding of the diffusion of nanoparticles in biological fluids Application Deadline: 25/10/2020 17:00 - Europe/Athens Contact Details. The Innovative Training Network “SOPLAS – Macro and Microplastic in Agricultural Soil Systems” is funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions) and offers 14 fully funded PhD positions (for early-stage researchers (ESR)) with attractive complementary training activities and generous travel, laboratory and research budgets. - CIVIL ENGINEERING Backed by the European Union, member states and associated countries, it supports researcher mobility and career development, while enhancing scientific collaboration between Europe and the world. Sandro Lino Cardoso Pereira's experiences: Would you like to know more about EU research funding ? Follow official sources and get involved: Tweets by health authorities in Member States. FPU 2020 - PhD Opportunities in the Institute of Marine Research (IIM-CSIC) ... EURAXESS offer ID: 579080 . Join the many researchers who have already taken advantage of EURAXESS and boost your career! 20% of the mentee positions will be available for researchers currently working outside of Spain. The first edition was implemented in 2019 as a pilot within the EURAXESS TOP IV project. A PhD can open many "doors" and fascinanting careers. Get in touch with the EURAXESS Centres, a network of more than 600 units accross Europe, ready to assist you and your family ! PREVIOUS EDITIONS. FIND MEMBERS is the directory that lets you search for individuals. It is important that you rely only on authoritative sources to get updated information on the COVID-19 outbreak. Earning a PhD is an advantage in today’s job market. The programme aims to raise the profile of flavor science research in Europe by encouraging students of differing scientific disciplines to engage in innovating flavor-related research PhD projects and thus to advance the exciting and challenging field of flavor science. Artificial intelligence for the Sciences” (AI4theSciences) is an innovative, interdisciplinary and intersectoral PhD programme, led by Université Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL) and co-funded by the European Commission. European Commission › EURAXESS › EURAXESS Worldwide › EURAXESS ASEAN › SPAIN: 9 Early Stage Researchers for Fully-Funded PhD Positions in the 6i Dirs COFUND Project EURAXESS Toggle navigation 5018/2020, dated April 27, an international call is opened to fill one Post-Doctoral position to develop research activities The IUT seeks to fill a position within field of urban water management and complex network analysis. You will study and work with Interdisciplinary competences and skills such as modelling and artificial intelligence, advanced electrochemical analysis techniques, characterization, synthesis of materials, etc. - COMPUTER SCIENCE AND AUTOMATION Don't look further ! A PhD can open many "doors" and fascinanting careers. Whether you want to know more about European research policy, funding or further collaboration opportunities, EURAXESS Worldwide has dedicated teams across the world - ASEAN (focus on Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam), China, India, Japan, Korea, Latin America and the Caribbean (focus on Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Columbia and Mexico), North America (Canada and US). This can save employers time and money by helping new recruits with their move abroad. Given the unprecedented situation Europe has been experiencing due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the European Commission launched a dedicated website including information on the latest developments and actions, general advice, useful contacts and links, statistics and various other topics of interest for citizens and institutions. We live in an increasingly interconnected world. Backed by the European Union, member states and associated countries, it supports researcher mobility and career development, while enhancing scientific collaboration between Europe and the world. A new ERA for Research and Innovation - EARTH SCIENCES Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R), Access to the culture of the host country/language courses, Day care, schooling & family related issues. As a researcher working in Europe, both you and your employer have rights and obligations. Discover the many funding streams available in Europe, from funding research consortia to individual grants. Are you an institution looking to recruit talented refugee researchers? At EURAXESS, you are just one click away from a wealth of information on topics ranging from accomodation, to social security and banking, taxation, salaries and many more ! Outline Eleventh Edition European PhD Flavor Research Awards - Academic year 2020/2021 for final year PhD students. Are you a refugee researcher looking for a job in research ? Do you need help developing it? The event will... Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R), Geographical distribution of cases globally, Questions and Answers on novel coronavirus, EU Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC), Coimbra Group Three Minute Thesis competition, Virtual MSCA 2020 Conference - 29 September, Access to the culture of the host country/language courses, Day care, schooling & family related issues. The PhD living allowance in each country will be a minimum gross salary of 2,709€ per month including employer/employee social coverage charges. European Commission › EURAXESS › EURAXESS Worldwide › EURAXESS ASEAN › HIDDeN (Hunting Invisibles: Dark sectors, Dark matter and Neutrinos): Fully Funded PhD positions in Physics within the MSCA ITN project Within the frame of NATURE-ETN, the baseclick GmbH is looking for a PhD student in the field of biochemistry for a duration of 3 years, starting on 01.06.2020. Strategic basic research in the context of a PhD EURAXESS is a platform for researchers, entrepreneurs, universities and businesses to interact with each other. - MECHANICAL AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING You rely only on authoritative sources to get started now to ensure a comfortable pension Department Infrastructure. Research training resources from funding research consortia to individual Grants who is also fully responsible for the recruitment and processes. 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