biblical meaning of platinum
This rift system began forming 35 million years ago with a westward separation of the African tectonic plate from the Asian plate and fractured the crust into long, parallel faults. Its pronunciation is PL AE TNAHM †. H'ence, the laver, or great basin, for washing, was made of brass, because natural good must be that which holds the water of natural truth, when we cleanse our natural minds and lives. And, by means of such correspondence, and only so, could the carnal and sensuous Israelites be kept in any connection with spiritual life. How common is the name Platinum. At the southern end of the Jebel Usdum ridge, a 100-foot-tall spire of rock salt is known as “Lot’s wife,” alluding to the Old Testament account of the destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in which Lot’s wife, while fleeing the city of Sodom, ignored God’s warning not to look back and was turned into a pillar of salt. Gold will resist the action of acids which will eat into iron and other base metals. and the gemstones used in the jewelry, can give an additional insight to the meaning of your dream. Glass, which was then very valuable and even served as a gemstone, was made from silica sand, a lime stabilizer, and a natron flux, the latter to lower the silica’s melting point. For tools, machinery, implements, etc., iron, made into steel, is the best of all metals. It is enough to be called “white gold”. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. The Bible is shrouded in symbolism and hidden meanings. platinum: Meaning and Definition of. Plata is the Spanish form from which platinum derives:. Just over 200 of the scrolls are partial or complete copies of Old Testament manuscripts; one is the earliest such manuscript known to exist. See the popularity of the boy's name Platinum over time, plus its meaning, origin, common sibling names, and more in BabyCenter's Baby Names tool. It will not do to take gold, the love of the Lord, because this will not take direct hold of the evil tendency. The stones' of the sanctuary are poured out in the top of every street. "And the city was pure gold." The Laurion mines also yielded large amounts of lead which, in the Holy Land, served as “rebar” in the construction of stone buildings. The type of jewelry you dreamed of, such as rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, etc. It is similar to the Golden Rule, but more considerate. Without the protection of clay jars, archaeologists believe none of the scrolls would have survived. The precious sons of Zion, comparable to fine gold, how are they esteemed as earthen pitchers, the work of the hands of the potter !" But, when the mind needs to descend to the valleys, the low places, the natural mind and the outward life, then the work of expelling the enemies, the lusts and falsities of the lower life, and the bad habits of daily conduct, must be done by means of natural good and natural truth; by meeting the enemy on his own plane, or level, and fighting him with weapons similar to his own.So Judah "could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron." It has a “soapy” feel and colors ranging from off-white to grays, blues, browns, and greens. Combining archaeology with scriptural interpretation provides a clearer understanding of life as it was and the events that occurred during the biblical period, which extends more than three millennia from 3300 B.C. 1 ; "How is the gold become dim ! By 1000 B.C., natron’s most important use was in making glass, or “crystal” in the biblical terminology. Later, ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, Phoenician, and Hittite texts were also preserved on ceramic tablets. Learn more. xxviii. Original Word: נְחָשׁ Part of Speech: Noun Masculine Transliteration: nechash Phonetic Spelling: (nekh-awsh') Definition: copper, bronze. (Ps. (Zech. (Rev. Without exception, the Church in every people group will have adequate biblical content in their own language. How to pronounce platinum. Scarcity is very high even in the precious metal and say platinum, there is more valuable than gold. 22, 23, "The gold, and the silver, the brass, the iron, the tin, and the lead, everything that may abide the fire, ye shall make go- through the fire, and it shall be clean: nevertheless, it shall be purified with the water of separation : and all that abideth not the fire, ye shall make go through the water." "The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron;" (Jer. During the biblical period, most of this so-called “Dead Sea stone” was sold to Mediterranean shipyards as hull-caulking material. Mining peaked in the second century B.C., when camel caravans regularly transported tons of rock salt to distant markets. Some natron was obtained from the Dead Sea, but most came from northeast Egypt’s huge Wadi el Nutrun (Natron Valley) evaporite deposit. Origin of platinum. The earliest known ceramics, small effigies of animals and humans, are about 20,000 years old. The gold of inmost love cannot do all these works, because it is on a different plane, and it is not adapted to such work. Gold and silver are products of God – they are not a creation of man. Biblical archaeologists study ancient cultural sites and artifacts to gain insight into the Bible’s Old and New Testaments. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Platinum definition is - a precious grayish-white noncorroding ductile malleable heavy metallic element that fuses with difficulty and is used especially in chemical ware and apparatus, as a catalyst, and in dental and jewelry alloys. And silver corresponds to spiritual truth.In the representative dispensation established with the Israelites, all the things used, and the forms and modes of operating, were in correspondence with the things and methods which are in the minds of men. Miners initially collected nodules of copper minerals from the surface; later, they followed outcrops underground to carve out large systems of passageways and galleries. Multicolored limestone mosaics were a popular art form in the Holy Land during the Roman. Although not mined in the Holy Land, gold and silver played major roles in biblical history. And this can drive out our outward evil lusts and bad habits ; for it knows how to meet, and to overcome, their "chariots of iron." The world’s first great source of tin was Kestel in the Taurus Mountains of Anatolia (now south-central Turkey), where the mining of placer and vein deposits of cassiterite or tin dioxide began about 3400 B.C. Perot Museum Unveils Enhanced Hall and New Displays, The Road Report: Shell Treasures at Cabrillo National Monument, Catching Up With Opal Mining Trailblazers, Trilobite Hunting Grand Find: OLENELLUS fremontii, Learning How Opal Curiosity Fuels Progress, Chance Encounter Leads to Gemstone Carving Joy, Chameleon Fossil Reveals Predatory Traits. Related: Platiniferous. .gold and silver and brass." But in the 1930s, an American archaeologist suggested that the legendary “King Solomon’s Mines” were actually the Timna Valley copper mines, an idea initially discredited because the ruins, at that time, could not be dated to Solomon’s reign. And brass represents natural good ; and iron represents natural truth ; that is, good and truth as applied to the outward life. And so, although Judah, "could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley," yet these heathen inhabitants were finally driven out by the tribe of Dan. A platinum jubilee is a celebration held to mark an anniversary. 2, 3.) Platinum definition: Platinum is a very valuable , silvery-grey metal. Platinum. Copper was hammered into flat “saw blades” which, when used in conjunction with a quartz-sand abrasive, effectively cut and shaped the blocks of Jerusalem stone. The logo we all can see today is part of the badge, created in 1976, and it still looks edgy and modern, as simplicity is the key. Among the tribes of Israel, Judah represented the celestial principle, love to the Lord, the heavenly gold, in the regenerating mind. profound spiritual meanings in the atomic weights of chemicals mentioned in the Bible. Holes drilled through adjoining stone blocks were filled with molten lead which then solidified to secure the blocks in place. How is the most fine gold become changed ! So long as the heart abides in such good, the falsities of the senses cannot injure the heavenly gold of celestial love. If you have questions about our platinum … when used in the phrase "go platinum", it means to sell 1 million copies of an album. But over many. The symbolism of platinum is derived from platinum’s physical qualities. Monarch Accession day Commemoration Bernard VII, Lord of Lippe: 12 August 1429 1500 John Louis, Count of Nassau-Saarbrücken: 19 October 1472 1544 William IV, Princely count of Henneberg-Schleusingen : 26 May 1480 1550 Christian Augustus, Count Palatine of … The national stone of Israel, “Eilat stone,” also known as “King Solomon’s stone,” consists. The Bible references minerals and metals more than 1,700 times, using such familiar phrases as “fire and brimstone,” “pieces of silver,” “copper from the rock,” “salt of the Earth,” and “jars of clay.” It is interesting to consider these minerals and metals not in their scriptural contexts, but from the perspectives of history, geology, and biblical archaeology. It states "Do unto others as they would have you do unto them, not as you would have them do unto you." Since then, much Eilat stone sold in Israel and abroad is actually similarly colored material from the copper mines of Africa and Arizona. 7, 9. Of the Israelites it is said, "He- brought them' forth with silver and gold, and there was not one feeble person among their tribes." Jerusalem stone was also the raw material for making lime or calcium oxide. See, for instance, the differences between gold and iron. A chariot, being a vessel, or vehicle, to hold a man, represents a doctrine, which is a mental vessel, to hold goodness and truth. The name's meaning is as precious as the metal. Silver coins such as Greek drachmas and staters, Roman denarii (the Bible’s “tribute pennies”), and Tyrian shekels, were the standard mediums of exchange throughout the greater biblical region. Stoneworkers cut colored limestone into thin, half-inch-square, inlay pieces to create elaborate mosaics for interior décor. The scrolls are written mostly on parchment, with a few inscribed on papyrus and one on a copper sheet. And gold will not rust, as base metals will. It is often used for making jewellery. VISA Logo PNG Meaning and history The Visa visual identity has always been one of the most recognizable logos in the financial segment across the globe, and the company did everything not to lose its individuality with all the redesigns throughout history. The Old Testament describes the breastplate and its gemstones in detail. Many believed that Solomon owned gold mines. ; the Iron Age started about 1200 B.C. Bronze, a copper-tin alloy superior to copper in hardness, durability, and workability, was the primary metal for tools and weapons for the next two millennia. But, where self-love stands in the place of love to the Lord, the word "gold" is there used in a bad sense, to represent the abuse of love; as in Lamentations, iv. (Exod. of intergrowths of blue-green masses of azurite, malachite, chrysocolla, and turquoise. And so, by direction of the Lord, gold and silver, representing celestial and spiritual things, were largely used for sacred articles employed in worship, in the tabernacle and in the temple.In articles of a less sacred character, brass and iron were used. Alabaster was fashioned into goblets, sculptures, vases, and funerary urns. METALS OF THE BIBLE. platinum definition: 1. a chemical element that is an extremely valuable silver-coloured metal, used in jewellery and in…. Gold is clean, and it will remain pure and clean, where less precious metals will soon become soiled. The metal looks like silver, and the Spaniards at first thought it an inferior sort of silver, hence the name platina. No falsities can corrode that high and holy principle : it is proof against their cunning action. Solid, black pieces of pitch, similar in density, color, and carving properties to jet, were fashioned into ornaments. 15.) These baser metals are used to alloy silver ; and the fires of regeneratiion must purify our mental silver, and leave our spiritual loves free from the alloy of lower and sensuous things. This gemstone can let you intuitively determine good choices and bad choices. xxii. Wet clay has a plastic consistency and is easily moldable. "Jehovah, thy God, bringeth thee into a good land : a land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness : thou shalt not lack anything in it ; a land whose stones are iron and out of whose hills thou mayest dig brass." What does platinum expression mean? The spiritual meaning of this color is also positive and signifies openness and inner peace and sincere emotions that we are willing to share with other people. Luke 8 :10 And He said, "To you it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to the rest it is given in parables, that 'Seeing they may not see, And hearing they may not understand. a silver-coloured metal that is very valuable. By early biblical time, making ceramics had become a well-developed skill and art that produced pottery, storage vessels, funerary urns, beads, ceremonial objects, and even writing tablets. In the Scriptures, we find frequent mention of gold, silver, brass [or copper] and iron, and occasional mention of tin, lead, etc. A diamond is a stone that truly states, “I love you” in a deep way. (Numb. General Platinum Crystal Healing Information For what and How Does One Use it? Platinum is a member of the platinum group of elements and group 10 of the periodic table of elements. . Jebel Usdum is a five-mile-long, 720-foot-high ridge consisting almost entirely of layers of rock salt that formed 10 million years ago when seawater repeatedly flooded the deepening Jordan Rift Valley and then evaporated. Much Holy Land bedrock is limestone, a marine sedimentary rock consisting of at least 50 percent calcium carbonate. New Jerusalem, it was found that,- "the length and the breadth and the height of it are equal" ; (Rev. And the corresponding mental principle, inmost love, love to the Lord, celestial good, has similar corresponding characteristics. About 1500 B.C., the Hittite Empire in Anatolia began smelting iron from bog iron ores. i), i. e., the sins of the heart are shown even by literal natural truth, in the commandments of the Lord.To show that, in the work of regeneration, we must submit to the purifying fires of temptation, as to our affections, and to the cleansing waters of truth, it is said, in Numb.- xxi. The softest and most desirable carving grades contain about 80 percent talc. Among monarchies, it usually refers to a 70th anniversary. In Moses' blessing to the children of Israel, he said to Asher, "Thy shoes shall be iron and brass;" (Deut. Ixviii. 9.) Since the city was permanently settled around 3000 B.C., this late-Cretaceous Period limestone, now known as “Jerusalem stone,” has been used in much of Jerusalem’s construction. Pronounce. It was obtained in trade mainly from sources in Egypt, the Arabian Peninsula, India, and the Sinai Peninsula. Writers used styli to impress characters into soft, wet clay which was then fired into durable tablets. That the Bible refers to salt (halite, sodium chloride) more than 30 times is not surprising. Stone carvers also worked with soapstone, or steatite. It allows one to break preconceived boundaries and achieve the maximum success in any given endeavor. xiii. The Bible mentions six metals: gold, silver, lead, tin, copper, and iron. )Author: Edward Craig Mitchell From Sripture Symbolism 1904. Brimstone is elemental sulfur that frequently occurs in volcanic environments, hence the Old Testament’s association with fire, hell, and God’s retribution. And so our Lord said to the Laodiceans, "I -counsel thee to buy of Me, gold, tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich." )Gold, meaning inmost love, or goodness, and silver, meaning spiritual good, the good of truth, or love to the neighbor, as distinguished from love to the Lord, are often mentioned together. But, in the harder and ruder uses of life, gold will not suit so well as iron. 13.) God designed them to be intrinsically valuable and beautiful, for gold does not tarnish nor corrode. Jerusalem rests atop thick formations of fossiliferous, fine-grained, oolitic limestone with buff, pink, green, and brown colors. PLATINUM PLATING FAQS. Sulfur occurs at several sites in the Jordan Rift Valley which, like all rifts, has numerous remnant volcanic fumaroles and active thermal springs, some with condensate and evaporite sulfur deposits. n. A trademark for a certification indicating that a recording, such as an album of music, has sold a million copies. The Jordan Rift Valley, the northern limit of the 3,700-mile-long East African Rift System, the Earth’s largest land rift, dominates the Holy Land’s topography. 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