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You have to believe that you are more than just generic because what you believe is what will come through on your application. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. I think a lot had kick ass stories to get in. During my time at Cornell as an undergraduate I met many excellent students who had transferred to Cornell after completing an associates degree at a community college. So keep in mind that admissions to one program is not the same as admissions to other programs and thus the weight of different pieces of the application might vary from school to school. will i have a … They help admissions officers answer the question "What will this student bring to the campus?". About 1/20 are not suited for upper schools because of either declining work ethic, no more parents to tell them what to do, burn out, or mental disorders (the weather here does not help). However, my TDA says that there is a transfer student evaluation that is still incomplete. The first students at Cornell were farmers and literally worked on the University's farm grounds. Here is a helpful website that helps international students learn more about schools that offer aid to international students http://www.internationalstudent.com/schools_awarding_aid/. I AM currently in China and it is 12:17 am here. This student very brilliantly turned his passion into an asset. Also, if my school does not offer a lot of AP classes will that affect my chances. I'm Milyon Trulove, Vice President and Dean of Admission at Reed College in Portland, OR. do you want to be friends and cry together bc I am a good listener and I’m feeling ur pain hardcore. Don't know if this helped my application but I didn't think it could hurt. I would add that even if it does become known that a student used a consultant this does not automatically mean the application is disregarded. Go Bruins! The student's file is handed to a second admissions officer who will be able to see the first reader sheet along with the application. Sports are a great way to demonstrate discipline and leadership skills. This forum is moderated by the games author, but is still bound by TFGS rules. (AMA) Top 5 USNEWS University Alum, Worked in Alma Mater's Admissions Office, Part-Time Elite Admissions Consultant. The second reader also spends about 15 minutes looking at the application and the first reader sheet (15 minutes is an estimate and can vary from admissions officer to admissions officer). Transfer credit of 0.5 units for MATH 127 will be allowed for A Level Mathematics or Pure Mathematics with Once I transferred, I had to make a real effort to get involved and meet people at Fordham. The essay is your chance to Getting into the alumni notes even though you're still broke from your loans: reddit.com 24. I’m a transfer student and disappointed that we had our time cut short, but I definitely don’t miss the dorms. The process is really like splitting hairs and it has to happen rather quickly. I'm curious how much time a school like Cornell spends looking at each applicant. If you took the most challenging courses offered at your high school then you demonstrate that you are doing everything you can to grow academically within the context of your school. The types of students that end up being admitted are the extraordinary ones. I grew up in Yonkers, New York and received a B.S. I currently help moderate this subreddit and assist students with their applications while traveling the world. To give an example I remember reading an application from a student applying to the Meteorology program at Cornell. hello ,, i’m trying to apply to usf as a transfer student. It was great to spend all day today answering your questions! Each upside and downside should be taken into consideration before making any big decisions, and we’re here to help point out the good, bad, and ugly of being a transfer student. AMA! I am a firm beliver that higher education is all fit. That transition wasn’t easy, and fall quarter was definitely a hurdle. AMA! Writing a Transfer Essay Transferring to a different university can be a stressful process. This is not. Now the SAT/ACT measures how well you performed on a given Saturday morning whereas your GPA tells how well you have done over the course of 4 years. AMA! ugh same! As in, if I were to transfer, would I get accepted for sure? I'm particularly excited about this AMA and look forward to seeing the questions you guys have for him. AMA with Duke Admissions - 12/11 at 7 PM! If so do you automatically disregard these applicants? It is not obvious to admissions offices when a student has used the services of an application consultant. AMA, I'm Kevin Martin, Former Undergraduate Admissions Counselor for UT-Austin and A2C's First Moderator. Start right and you won't face some of the above challenges that I was faced with. Dang sounds like we were in pretty much the exact same position, except I was in Reiber Vista. Once the first reader sheet is completed it is turned in to the director and a second reader sheet is created. Over the last several years out of 35-50 who apply for the spring term, we’ve admitted from 0-5; … In your context your score of 28 is relatively low compared with Asian applicants to some of the more selective schools. I have read many application essays and learned all about the admissions field from some of the best minds in the industry. Usually these amazing essays are really candid, clever, employ some sort of creative or sophisticated metaphorical or otherwise intellectually/emotionally stimulating literary device. Often times the two readers disagree and the officers spend time in conversation about what decision should be made and why. This means AOs like to see continued participation in your activities. They will add a piece of information about you and what you like to do in your spare time and it looks good if you are an athlete who also performs well academically. My sister and many of my cousins attended community colleges and went on to complete their bachelors degrees from great universities. Transfer credits will be considered up to a maximum of 3.0 units (the equivalent of six term courses at Waterloo). Couple of questions: is it obvious to admissions officers when a student has used the services of a consultant to help 'package' an application together? So how does the university decide who is offered admission and who isn't? With regard to your question about athletics. The transfer release date is the date the student's SEVIS record is electronically released to the new school. 3. They might then read the applications of students from that region. The transfer essay, which is usually 500-words, is one of the most important features of your transfer application. I joined a lot of clubs on campus and went to a lot of campus events. I hope this answers your questions. Thanks for your question and I hope this was helpful. I am a former admissions counselor and current independent college counselor. Lastly siblings are not really considered legacy but if you mention that you have a sibling that has attended or is currently attending the school to which you are applying then it provides additional information to the admissions office. Jesscursio, I am a firm believer that community colleges are excellent equalizers for society. I will share a couple of stories about my time in the admissions office: I would often find the few who had some extraordinary talent or had done something really cool like the kid who had built a weather station in his house (made a lot of sense since he was applying to the meteorology program at Cornell), and the kid who had actually found a mistake on the SAT, and the kid who had a patent on a device that helped children with disabilities. So to get to the bottom of your question. My question is, in all honesty, did my background and not being from a low income family or being a first generation graduate legitimately hurt me when I was applying last year? The National Student Clearing House Research Center found that 37.2% transfer at least once within six years. I think you raise some pretty real concerns that many parents have and I thank you for this question. I would also mention that if there are ways in which you stand out from others within the context of your demographic grouping then it would be smart to highlight those ways in which you stand out. This essay had me laughing my pants off! The holistic admissions process is rooted heavily in the concept of CONTEXT. Will a low ACT score affect chances of acceptance (28). Hey guys, I recently finished my entire course load this Fall 2020 semester. Also I was just informed one of these responses was picked up by Business Insider and published on their website. Being a transfer student isn’t easy. After years of doing college admissions they often develop an intuitive sense and are able to discern when a student is being dishonest about their level of participation in their activities lists. I also made sure to get know my regional admissions officer well. Hi I'm Nelson Ureña, I am a former admissions officer from Cornell and currently an admissions counselor. As you can imagine Cornell is an extremely competitive school and every year it gets more competitive. AMA about maximizing your time at home! AMA! Tau Sigma Transfer Student Honorary Admitted Student Checklist Illinois Beginnings Connect with us! My question is, do you think attending a community college could hurt his chances of having a great career? This definition also It is not an easy or clear cut process and requires a lot of intuitive and subjective thought. I’m a transfer student and disappointed that we had our time cut short, but I definitely don’t miss the dorms. I am taking the most rigorous courses at my school. I really appreciate what you are doing with this reddit forum, these AMAs and your podcast. IAMA college admission counselor, mod r/ApplyingToCollege, and host a podcast where I interview college admissions experts. please do not transfer to Cornell. See completing the application and monitor your Purdue application portal to ensure you have met the deadline. So I got into some top 10 and quite a few top 25 universities, but no Ivy League schools. I am a first generation college graduate which means I am one of the first in my family to go to college. To get to your question about race, given the way that the admissions process works at many schools, often times for the sake of CONTEXT, demographic data is used to aggregate students into pools with similarities along certain demographic statistics. There are great consultants out there who are members of organizations like NACAC, HECA, and OACAC. Hey guys, during my two-year studying, I worked full-time on student visa . are examples of tangible assets which you could add value to your application. You would use your subjective observation skills, some data from previous years, and maybe do some research about the high schools which the applicants attend, to get a better understanding of which applicant's grades mean a little more than the others. The college has expanded beyond agriculture related fields but it holds on proudly to the legacy of hard working farm students who made up Cornell's first few classes. I don't really have any plans to leave my current university but I'm just curious. AMA! Before transferring, I was … After all the numbers are tallied admissions officers make decisions based on an intangible subjective feeling/evaluation answering the questions: how likable is this student? There’s a lot of life after ucla lol. I only started liking them toward the end of winter quarter but I honestly hated fall quarter and part of winter (some bad transfer experiences), so I wish that wasn’t my only taste of ucla :(, I’m sorry to hear that friend. I am curious if any friends or family should even list me as a legacy on their applications? He went on to explain that if the consultants abide by the standards of good practice that the university is ok with these services. Applying to the University of Florida will provide you with incredible opportunities to further your education. (3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. CST), I Am Kevin Martin, Former UT-Austin Admissions Counselor, Author of Your Ticket to the Forty Acres, and A2C's First Moderator. For one student it might be the test scores that get them in, with another student it might be awesome participation in extra credit activities. Do you recommend I indicate my race on the common app, even though most people cannot tell which race I am. Sadly this stuff isn’t coming back during my senior year either so I’m almost glad that I hated being in my dorm because it meant I got so much more experiences in a short time. I am currently receiving lots of emails and messages through reddit and the Mentorverse website (which by the way temporarily crashed du to large volume). Great question and I am afraid there is no easy simple answer to your question. Thanks for your question and I hope this helps! I work with students in preparing their applications and for me the very first step in the process is helping tap into their inner "awesomeness," and convey that on the application. AMA! That school was likely my third or fourth choice, so it felt really good. This person is often times a little more experienced in the particular major/subject area than the first reader. Thanks. Attending a community college would not necessarily limit your son's career options. We encourage you to explore this site to learn more about our programs for new transfer students. I got my decision before the whole pandemic - I was Nelson was a fascinating person to chat with and has a ton of insight into the college admissions process. Topic: app fee waivers & college access, University of Houston: Office of Admissions Q&A! Admissions officers are pretty smart people and they are really good at what they do. Discussions surrounding this game can take place in this board. I am a Latino that went to an Ivy League school and barely graduated with a STEM degree. This includes any four-year college, two-year community or junior college, or similar school. This person could then advocate strongly on your behalf. By now you have completed some college-level coursework and are seeking a change. Haha leaving Disney was a tough decision but Cornell had a lot to offer for me as a professional. I wish we got to spend more time there too. 2 PM EST, I'm an Admissions Counselor at a Top University in the US - AMA, AMA - Admissions Officer from Marymount California University (Los Angeles). Am I still considered a transfer student? https://www.facebook.com/mentorverse?ref=aymt_homepage_panel, http://www.collegeadmissionstoolbox.com/former-cornell-admission-officer-nelson-urena/, http://www.internationalstudent.com/schools_awarding_aid/. How does Cornell verify student awards and leadership roles in clubs at schools? I think what most people would do is they would comb through all the applications and try to select the 14 most AWESOME people in the applicant pool. After graduating from Cornell I briefly worked at Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL and after about six months I realized Disney was not as fun as Cornell so I decided to return to Cornell University and work in the admissions office recruiting students and helping the university make admissions decisions. I like to consider myself a professional new girl because I’ve become somewhat of … I’m sorry about your roommates man, those bathrooms were rough too I get it. Subforum for the Student Transfer game. In some universities there are admissions officers whose role is to read the applications of underrepresented students. what noslen1225 is generally true. Out of the applications I read while an admissions officer, I read many whose grades made them academically qualified for the university. Subject tests do matter. From my experience, they are roughly 95% accurate in who to accept. My sister even went on to earn a Masters degree from NYU. During committee the director leads a review of all files based on the decisions of the first and second readers. It is difficult and almost impossible to give a quantitative value for how much weight standardized tests hold in the process. What I mean by this is you should look for ways to create tangible evidence of your passion in specific activities. Scientific Supplement for my Application. Come from an upper-middle class family, both parents went to graduate school. I understand there is no clear cut "formula" to get into an Ivy League, but considering I got into schools of equitable rigor and ranking, I was really confused when I got rejected so many times. Many schools offer financial aid to international students. I hope this helps! Even within Cornell, which is a university made up of 7 colleges/schools, each college/school has its own admissions office and within each of those offices they have slightly different ways of dividing applications. While attending college, a student may decide to study at a different college for a semester or two, or go abroad to another country to study. Straight As, did sports and a few clubs at state and national levels, high test scores, lots of community involvement. Transfer student application deadlines Deadlines are firm and to meet a deadline, your application must be complete. Also, I cannot imagine ever leaving Disney. The transfer admissions process is highly competitive, even more so than first-year admissions. Kids that are getting admitted to great schools have something else in addition to these things that makes them likable or awesome. I will let you read between the lines here and come to your own conclusions about whether or not you wish to report your race. i spent a year at hcc and now i want to transfer to usf for my 2nd year. AMA! Schools often don't admit the most "generic kids" in their applicant pools. I always think about how sad it can be that a student might have had their heart set on Cornell since they were young and a few people spend just a few minutes looking at their application, and an acceptance/rejection can depend solely on the admission committee's mood or temperament or exhaustion from that day. Your application will be evaluated within the context of the opportunities afforded to you. If your son goes the community college route, just make sure that that he is proactive about seeking advice both from career counselors at his school as well as admissions officers from the four year schools to which he would later like to apply to make sure that he takes classes that will allow him to transfer the credits when he transfers schools. reddit.com 23. http://www.businessinsider.com/ivy-league-admissions-officer-reveals-how-they-pick-students-2015-8. Transfer student ambassadors transferred to ASU from an Arizona community college and are eager to help new transfer students as they transition from the At the time the university was producing a lot of research to add value to farm operations around the country/world. Cornell University was founded as a farm. Once a student completes and submits his or her application to Cornell via the Common App, a first reader sheet is created and farmed out to an admissions officer who acts as a first reader for that particular student. New transfer student looking to make some new friends 00:00 00:00 Newgrounds Login / Sign Up Movies Games ... and she feels you're being irritating. The University of Michigan continually seeks leaders and best, with transfer students being an integral part of our campus community. Your son should apply for financial aid and multiple scholarships (you can find many scholarships to which your children can apply by simply typing "scholarship" into Google also check out http://www.fastweb.com/) and see what happens. Admissions officer want to get to know you, they want to understand your capacity to handle the academic, social, emotional, and intellectual rigors of their particular school. Current transfer student Rachel Beyer explains what it's like being a transfer student during COVID-19 and offers her advice to institutions. Check out the article and share with friends for whom you think this would be helpful. Most of all, what connects most with admissions officers is demonstrated passion in one or two areas. I read applications of many transfer students who had come from community colleges and many of them were really compelling applicants. These values of how much weight a single aspect of the application is worth is usually never the same for any two applicants across the multitude of schools in the US. I am applying to transfer in Fall 2021 so this is basically the last semester that grades are still matter (in my system). Generally speaking activities that demonstrate likelihood that you will continue this activity once you arrive on campus are looked upon positively. He or she also makes an evaluation about what to do with the application: Admit, Deny, Waitlist (if it is the ED round they can also circle Defer). Those are students who have done really cool things in their high school or in their communities. Also it is great to see students who demonstrate leadership by taking on responsibilities in their activities. AMA. Thanks for your insightful question and I hope this provides a more clear answer. The mission of a first reader is to read the entire application from start to finish and extract the important information from the application and condense it onto a two sided sheet of paper called the First Reader Sheet. I would say that it is often times obvious to detect when an essay is not written by the student and/or when doctored or fraudulent documents are submitted. Extracurriculars also matter a lot. IAMA Former Undergraduate Admissions Counselor for UT-Austin, A2C Moderator, and author of “Your Ticket to the Forty Acres: The Unofficial Guide for UT Undergraduate Admissions.” AMA! Think about it this way. Applications are usually read in the order that they are received. No longer are good grades enough, that is just the bare minimum. This subreddit is for anyone looking for advice about undergraduate college admissions, including college essays, scholarships, SAT/ACT test prep, and anything related to college applications. They also want to make sure that they admit the students that would most positively impact the school culture and therefore they use what is known as "holistic review" when evaluating applications. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, DJ blogged how/where we read applications if you're curious about the material conditions under which they are considered, Interesting quote from the VP of undergrad enrollment at Notre Dame on why they don't take certain high-achieving students. 1st Place at a local programming competition. (Asian- overrepresented majority in higher education) Lastly, will sibling legacy help my chances of admission? This student had built a weather station in his house and was reporting the weather to a local news channel. I absolutely loved the ingenuity and I could see that this student was not only a great thinker, a bit of a clown, and also had great problem solving skills. There is such a high volume of applications to read and so much work to be done in such a relatively short period of time that applications begin to be read immediately as they start arriving. They are an additional piece to the puzzle that help admissions officers place you in relation to everyone else who has applied to that school. My boss paid me well enough on E-transfer, I never thought this is taxable , I never filed income tax for 2019 and the past year. When there is agreement between the first and second reader the committee will usually agree with the decision of two readers. Being a transfer student was a blessing for me and it very well can be for you to. I plan on responding to all of you as soon as I am able so please bare with me if it take a little while for me to get back to you. winter quarter was alright but i had so much planned for spring quarter and studying abroad during summer but that never happened... it's actually so cruel that we get only two quarters and most likely no graduation ugh now im regretting not doing more :(, I replied to your post that was almost exactly like this!! I rationalized it as being because my brother was a student, but was incredibly excited nonetheless. Awards, projects, narratives, photos, portfolios, letters of recommendations, transcripts etc. for a transfer student; it’s a lifetime of memories and a pathway for becoming the person you want to be. If you are a recruited athlete and the coach really likes what you are doing, it is very possible that the coach speaks with the admissions officer who serves as a liaison for the athletics department in the admissions committees. The officer reading your application will be able to pull up your sibling's transcript and see if they are doing well at the school. IAmA Former Undergraduate Admissions Counselor for the University of Texas at Austin. I was probably only in my dorm 6-8 hours a day to sleep. It's been making me think. After the first and second reader have reviewed all their files all the Assistant and Associate Directors along with the Director gather in a committee. I also remember reading the application of a student who loved Oreo cookies and when he woke up in the morning all he wanted was Oreo cookies, he wanted one first thing upon opening his eyes and so he made some sort of contraption that was linked to his alarm clock and when his alarm went off it grabbed an Oreo cookie, set it rolling like a wheel down a labyrinth which took just enough time for him to ready his mouth to intercept the cookie that would fall at just the right angle to land perfectly in his mouth so that the very first thing he did every morning was chomp down on an Oreo cookie. To what extent can/does a sports coach influence your decision to admit a student? Pro: Being a part-time student gives you a flexible schedule When you’re a part-time student, you have more time flexibility as you slow down the pace of your learning. 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