bash remove forward slash from string

I have a text file that contains. To exclude the string that we don’t want to remove while executing the script, pass the string name inside the // forward-slash. Replace Forward Slash with sed i need to replace '/' forward slash with \/ (backward slash follwed by a forward slash) using sed command when the forward slash occurs as a first character in a file.. The string can be enclosed in single quotes, ... To remove all files for a specific directory, include a forward-slash (/) at the end of the path. Note, if you want to change the file itself, rather than output the result, you need the "in place" flag -i: sed -i ':^/dev/xvdb:d' /etc/fstab, How to remove forward slash and everything after with sed or awk?, How to remove forward slash and everything after with sed or awk? The delimiter can be any character. //a//b should be /a/b; on Windows, c:\\a\\b\\\c should be c:\a\b\c). Ask Question Asked 4 years, 7 months ago. Original  Thanks for contributing an answer to Unix & Linux Stack Exchange! I … That's what the link I posted was discussing. So to echo a semicolon we need to do: echo \; But what if we wanted to echo a backslash? Or it could not have one. It just looks for the slashes (/) and prints the whatever is after the last slash. How to remove trailing forward slash, Your command simply has an errant dollar sign. Norman, thank you very much for your help. The dirname command prints the NAME while it removes any suffix beginning with the last forward-slash ('/'). What is the simplest way to remove a trailing slash from each parameter? Warning: you may not want to remove trailing slashes in all cases. PROTIP: Combine tr -s / with variable regex to remove repeated slashes then remove trailing slash. i have a file live this mm dd ff /dev/name1 mm dd ff /dev/name2 mm dd ff /dev/name3 mm dd ff /dev/name4 i need to update /dev/name1 etc to /newdev/new/name1 etc so. How can I check if a program exists from a Bash script? I got stuck Tagged: remove tailing slash, shell scripts, solved, string, substitution. Write a PHP script to remove trailing slash from a string. It’s completely unneeded when using the ## or %% operators. What are the earliest inventions to store and release energy (e.g. But you should also check the Path class, e.g. (The coder who comes up with a "love philtre" that runs on a Linux machine will likely win accolades and honors.) All it takes is the “%/”. #!/bin/bash read -p "Enter Path: " NEWPATH MYPATH=${NEWPATH} echo ${MYPATH} Using this, the path can have a trailing slash and you have got it stuck in the variable. – user1985 Mar 23 '16 at, Re: Remove trailing (back)slash? The answers/resolutions are collected from stackoverflow, are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. Bash remove forward slash, I figured I could use bash string replacement operator: ${string/substring/​replacement}. 1. As soon as there are slashes in the search pattern or the replacement string, I prefer choosing a different delimiter instead of messing around with backslashes. Hi all, I need to know way of inserting backward slash before forward slash. Discussion Using sed to append backward slash before forward slash. 3 Basic Shell Features. i need to replace '/' forward slash with \/(backward slash follwed by a forward slash) using sed command when the forward slash occurs as a first character in a file.. Can index also move the stock? How to concatenate string variables in Bash. What is the simplest way to remove a trailing slash from each , You can use the ${parameter%word} expansion that is detailed here. So instead of messing around with that let us just make sure it does not have one. Studs spacing too close together to put in sub panel in workshop basement. 7. I’m not sure why the examples use extglob in bash. I will keep all the slash in between the string. The primary use of this is for paths and thus should be used for paths. You don't need the initial $ in the regular expression: sed 's/\/$//' myfile.txt >myfile_noslash.txt The substitution command s in sed can take almost any character as its delimiting character, for example, Remove forward-slash using sed, You have to remove the trailing slash before you print the last field with awk. How do you run a test suite from VS Code? And of course you need to separate the 's', the 'g', the old, and the new from each other. Does a hash function necessarily need to allow arbitrary length input? For example, if I run the above example by removing the file name, here’s what it will yield. For example: ... Use the abbreviated form of the command to remove files whose names match the pattern *jun* from the stage for the current user: The trailing 'g' just says to replace all occurrences on a given line, not just the first. Subject: Re: Remove trailing (back)slash? I know this is easy with sed, but I could have sworn there once was a bash tool - maybe even coreutils - that's sole purpose was making strings like Why didn't the Romulans retreat in DS9 episode "The Die Is Cast"? Apply multiple times to remove all slashes. How to get the source directory of a Bash script from within the script itself? I have been trying to write a sample code block to remove multiple backward or forward slashes from a path (e.g. How to remove forward slash and everything after with sed or awk? Original String : 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog///'. I have a variable myVar in bash containing a long string that looks like this:-rw-rw-rw- root/root 16 2018-02-12 10:03 foo_tar/baz1234_ I want to delete everything in myVar before the last slash (including the last slash), so that myVar ends up storing only baz1234_.How can I remove everything and … Ok guys, Ive got a list of urls and I  To remove just that prefix something like this will work (substitute out the string and then use a truth-y pattern to get the default print action). We then would see at first glance if a path leads to a directory or a file. Press button, unescape slashes. your coworkers to find and share information. See "Readline Init File Syntax" in the Bash Reference Manual for more on this  Add or Remove trailing slash in bash. basename /home/user/data data Remove file extension with suffix. Just paste your backslash-escaped text in the form below, press Strip Slashes button, and all backslashes get unescaped. Remove slash from end of chained grep and awk output, echo to console. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. I know it can be done using many ways using bash utilities like sed. Why does Steven Pinker say that “can’t” + “any” is just as much of a double-negative as “can’t” + “no” is in “I can’t get no/any satisfaction”? bash regular-expression. Bash auto completion appends a / at the end of a directory name. +1: To be highly pedantic, that will remove a single slash, not all trailing slashes. how to strip the last slash of the directory path?, will take the script's first parameter and remove a trailing slash if there is one. 2. 103. How to remove the trailing slash from a variable which defines a , When I execute the script, a / is placed after the $client variable like so: root@me /​home/frank # bash Start 000029_000020/ has files  Unix & Linux Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of Linux, FreeBSD and other Un*x-like operating systems. So instead of messing around with that let us just make sure it does not have one. Be careful, bash3 added perl-similar regex to bash. Tried something like this but doesn't seem to work. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Does not work, slash is still there (at the end of variable, which your example does not have). How to execute a program or call a system command from Python? Remove a character from the end of a variable, See this the parameter substitution of this bash scripting guide for This solution automaticaly removes unnecessary slashes and adds pwd. awk ' {sub ("^/home/sites/default/files/", "")}7' If you need to remove X fields from the start of the line then using cut generally makes that simpler than awk. Actually, the / is not really special for the s command, it's just common practice to use it, but you could use almost everything else as delimiter. If for example the dd300 is always follwed by two slash separated numbers it can be (dd300\/\d+\/\d+,) where \d specifies any digit which is the same as using [0-9]. [8] Bash stores a list of commands previously issued from the command-line in a buffer, or memory space, for recall with the builtin history commands. I am assuming that: Code must be platform independent; Should work in all cases (or report a proper error) It should be readable and maintainable instead of joinpath , it may work, but it can also miss some corner cases. To remove all dash occurrences from the cell string, you have to use double forward slashes as follows: [email protected] :~/scripts$ echo ${cell//-} 1123581321 Notice that you are using echo statements and so the cell string is intact and not modified; you are just displaying the desired result! Remove patterns from string using bash. 07:10 AM 09-08-​2013. Otherwise the last field will be empty. if you want to combine paths, you should conside using Path.Combine. how to remove brackets using string operations or any other options. You are using a backtick (`) which is interpreted by your shell rather than Sed. The guide mentioned covers this as well as the official guide at GNU , but not all references do. It is in single backslash format. To remove first character only if it is a specific character: $ sed 's/^F//' file Linux Solaris Ubuntu edora RedHat I'm trying to remove the first / from a string in a shell script. Backslash is special to the shell. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Alternatively, in ksh, or in bash after shopt -s extglob : [[ x = *[! Bash is for lazy people. One forward-slash represents the shortest possible directory path. Remove a character from the end of a variable, the parameter substitution of this bash scripting guide,…, Podcast 302: Programming in PowerPoint can teach you a few things, How can I remove last dot (period) from a string in bash. It is not restricted to paths and offers no specific path support. However, it is not the backward slash I need but the forward slash "/". ... How can I remove last dot (period) from a string in bash. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Appending trailing slashes to paths - Internals & Design, Won't it be useful to always append trailing slashes to paths for all core path functions? Not every distro includes realpath. Here we are removing the trailing slash if there is one. Original Post by learnbash. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. 0. [Log in to get rid of this advertisement]. Or it could not have one. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. So i need to place \ in front Tagged: shell scripts. fly wheels)? text/sourcefragment 10/25/2017 5:25:57 AM Visakh16 0. Google Photos deletes copy and original on device. Are there any alternatives to the handshake worldwide? will take the script's first parameter and remove a trailing slash if there is one. Fixed: sed -e 's/\/$//' myfile.txt > myfile_noslash.txt. Since it became a guessing game, I thought other might have already solved this problem, so I decided to ask. Unix / Linux Shell: Get Third Field Separated by Forward Slash (/) Delimiter Author: Vivek Gite Last updated: April 29, 2012 8 comments I ‘m writing a shell script for automation purpose. The a "few things" I tried were doubling, tripling the slash, adding a backward slash to see if it would escape it. Ask Question Asked 1 year, 11 months ago. Really? Unfortunately I discovered that it … For  Removing first forward slash from string. Here is a simple test script that demonstrates the behavior: #!/bin/bash  FYI, I added these two functions to my .bash_profile based on the answers found on SO. rsync -a --exclude='*~' "$@" "$dir" The title has been changed for clarification. I have a file abc.txt which has records like 456 /home/fgg/abdc.txt 3567 /home/fdss/vfgb.txt 23 /home/asd/dfght.txt I WANT TO REMOVE STRING UNTIL 3RD OCCURANCE OF FORWARD SLASH Output should be like abdc.txt vfgb.txt dfght.txt (5 Replies) The parentheses are only necessary when you need to access the matched string. This question could use some clearing up. ${VAR%% } will remove trailing … But I would like  AWK or SED to replace forward slash hi hope somebody can help, there seems to be bit on the net about this, but still cant make it work the way i need. – chepner Jun 6 '14 at 12:46. how to strip the last slash of the directory path?, will take the script's first parameter and remove a trailing slash if there is one. What is the simplest way to remove a trailing slash from each , 6 Answers. What is the simplest way to remove a trailing slash from each parameter in the '$@' array, so that rsync copies the directories by name? Regarding your suggestion here, what I have found from experience is that readlink -f is a little more portable than realpath . Bash is an acronym for ‘Bourne-Again SHell’.The Bourne shell is the traditional Unix shell originally written by Stephen Bourne. Need to remove slash, Need to remove slash. I only want to replace the forward slash with string "FW_SLASH" only if there's a number right after the slash while preserving the original number. sed is used to insert this path in some file). World's simplest online string and text slash remover tool. [9] A linefeed (newline) is also a … Shell command to tar directory excluding certain files/folders. PROTIP: Combine tr -s / with variable regex to remove repeated slashes then remove trailing slash. sed ':^/dev/xvdb:d' /etc/fstab Or whatever makes it easiest to read. sed is used to insert this path in some file). +1: To be highly pedantic, that will remove a single slash, not all trailing slashes. Bash is for lazy people. #!/bin/bash read -p "Enter Path: " NEWPATH MYPATH=${NEWPATH} echo ${MYPATH} Using this, the path can have a trailing slash and you have got it stuck in the variable. So instead of messing around with that let us just make sure it does not have one. But avoid … Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. cut -d/ -f6-, forward slash replacement in awk, But the last gsub replacement is not removing forward slash. sed - how to remove trailing slashes, I know you can remove trialing slashes using: pre { overflow:scroll; margin:2px; Shell Programming & Scripting. How I can strip this off from a positional parameter? No ads, nonsense or garbage. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Sign up to join this community, Remove forward-slash using sed, Either sed -e 'cmd1' -e 'cmd2' or sed 'cmd1;cmd2;' will work. rem_trailing_slash() { echo "$1" | sed 's/\/*$//g' } force_trailing_slash() { echo "$(rem_trailing_slash "$1")/" }. Generally, Stocks move the index. The hashes ( # ) are your chosen delimiter, a good alternative to the common forward slash ( / ) as your match is about this same character and this avoids the need for escaping. Add or Remove trailing slash in bash. Because everything in the Linux directory tree starts at the root directory, you can use this command to move to the root directory quickly: ... You can also use the hash to trim a string variable and remove some text from the beginning. Ok guys, Ive got a list of urls and I need to parse just the domains from them and get rid of all the trailing crap Ive got a list of these lines like this, How to remove forward slash and everything after with sed or awk?, How to remove forward slash and everything after with sed or awk? Replace forward slashes with backslashes or escaping all forward slashes? For me I wanted to remove the trailing slash from a URL so this would not have worked. Did I make a mistake in being too honest in the PhD interview? The convention is to use a forward slash, but when it becomes awkward, switch it to something else. For instance, I'm running Linux Mint 17 (which is Ubuntu based) and it doesn't have it by default. - GNU mailing lists, From: Paul Smith. To understand the comments and answer about multiple trailing slashes see the edit history. need only to remove the slash after the string. To remove the 1st and last character of every line in the same command: $ sed 's/.//;s/.$//' file inu olari bunt edor edHa Two commands can be given together with a semi-colon separated in between. What … Depending on your input you may also use a more specific regex. Join Stack Overflow to learn, share knowledge, and build your career. For your case OLD_TEXT == '\' and NEW_TEXT == '/'. It's in the repos, but it's not installed automatically. 5. DIR, then it'd be. Please be sure to answer the question. Here is a simple test script that demonstrates the behavior: #!/bin/bash  one easy Solution is a simple check with String.EndsWith and then add the backslash. Good solution for the specified use-case although the answer marked as correct is the best for the title and most generic. How does SQL Server process DELETE WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM TABLE)? Warning: you may not want to remove trailing slashes in all cases. Pictorial Presentation: Sample Solution: 0. The primary use of the bash command is in extracting the file name from the file path. First atomic-powered transportation in science fiction. rev 2021.1.11.38289, Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Programming & related technical career opportunities, Recruit tech talent & build your employer brand, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, and if you had to use this with a variable, e.g. How to check if a variable is set in Bash? Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and [solved] bash: remove everything before / after last slash Hi! I have problem understanding entropy because of some contrary examples, Mismatch between my puzzle rating and game rating on Unfortunately I discovered that it doesn't remove forward  As Chris Johnson said, all answers using ${x%/} remove only one slash, these functions will do what they say, Remove a fixed prefix/suffix from a string in Bash. It only takes a minute to sign up. How do I iterate over a range of numbers defined by variables in Bash? This solution automaticaly removes unnecessary slashes and adds pwd. When you look at any string in the debugger, it shows them with appropriate escape characters: "\n", "\t" and "\\" for newline, tab and a single backslash respectively. Copyright ©document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); All Rights Reserved, Function that accepts any number of arguments in php, Refactor switch statement design pattern C#, MessageBodyReader not found for media type=application/json, Counting a word occurrences in dataframe pandas, Java add and remove from list while iterating. sed - how to remove trailing slashes, I know you can remove trialing slashes using: pre { overflow:scroll; sed but the match contains forward slashs so it causes the sed command to throw a garbled​  Your command would try to delete a $ followed by a / at the end of the lines in your file. Viewed 5k times 2. Discussion started by  Unix & Linux Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of Linux, FreeBSD and other Un*x-like operating systems. sed - how to remove trailing slashes. try the new query and still getting the slash after the string. For me I wanted to remove the trailing slash from a URL so this would not have worked. Add trailing slash in bash completion of directory symbolic links , Add the following line to your ~/.inputrc file: set mark-symlinked-directories on. For what it's worth, neither Python, Ruby nor bash append the trailing / . how to remove two forward slashes in a comment with sed, 2 Answers. Any character other than backslash or newline can be used instead of a slash to delimit the RE and the replacement. This is where you must use forward slashes as separators. Where did all the old discussions on Google Groups actually come from? Bash is for lazy people. They sometimes forget and add white spaces at the end of the line.. My question is about using a GLOBAL thing in the makefile to make it IGNORE white spaces! Add trailing slash if missing in setTemplatePath() too #32 akrabat merged 1 commit into slimphp : master from vlakoff : templatePath Oct 11, 2016 Conversation 2 Commits 1 Checks 0 Files changed, How to remove the last trailing (back)slash in gnu make file?, That seems unlikely to be the problem to me but you can remove it with $(​__PATHS_FEATURE:\=). Why doesn't IList only inherit from ICollection? [Log in to get rid of this advertisement]. Wednesday, October 25, 2017 5:22 AM. Ex:- if I have a number <140886.55>, I should only copy the number and remove the brackets, to another variable please advice on the same ... Use string operation command and Before-After sub command. realpath is not likely to be very portable: realpath is a part of GNU coreutils which is de facto in linux distribution and in this case users may have installed different external packages which can break the portability. I know how to remove all white spaces from end of all lines I can also use "strip" to edit variables The point is that the make file is given to users.. Alternatively, in ksh, or in bash after shopt -s extglob : [[ x = *[! :) – wojciii Jun 6 '14 at 10:27 Why do you need to escape the forward slashes in the first place? #!/bin/bash read -p "Enter Path: " NEWPATH MYPATH=${NEWPATH} echo ${MYPATH} Using this, the path can have a trailing slash and you have got it stuck in the variable. For me I wanted to remove the trailing slash from a URL so this would not have worked. How is the Ogre's greatclub damage constructed in Pathfinder? Will remove trailing forward and backslashes if it exists already before adding a trailing forward slash. As Chris Johnson said, all answers using ${x%/} remove only one slash, these functions will do what they say, hope this is useful. Sign in to vote. Need to remove slash, This argument is further used in script (i.e. Hello experts. Can an electron and a proton be artificially or naturally merged to form a neutron? PHP String: Exercise-21 with Solution. can mac mini handle the load without eGPU? Or it could not have one. learnbash. It quotes the next character. For example: echo ; will not work because the shell sees the semicolon as a separator and will not pass it to the echo command. This is an accident of early 1980’s computer history.The first version of MS-DOS used the forward slash character for specifying command-line options. 'realpath' will remove the last forward slash as well as any or repeated / pathwslash=/dirs/and/more/dirs/ path=$(realpath $(pathwslash)) echo $(path) # /dirs/and/more/dirs, how to strip the last slash of the directory path?, dir=${1%/}. Submitted by Jochus on Thu, 25/10/2012 - 21:29 | Posted in: Linux Linux Quickly wanting to change some character (example: a forward slash) to another character (exampe: a dash)? You can use a different delimiter for the s command of sed so you do not have to escape slashes in the pattern (I used # as a delimiter). I think better solution to canonize paths is realpath $path or with -m option if it doesn't exist. So i need to place \ in front... (2 Replies) Provide details and share your research! Show comments View file Edit file Delete file @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@, What is the simplest way to remove a trailing slash from each , 6 Answers. Regarding your suggestion here, what I have found from experience is that. See this the parameter substitution of this bash scripting guide for more. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Active 2 years, 5 months ago. or $(patsubst %\,%  This may not work for your problem since your path is not absolute, however the 'abspath' and 'realpath' indirectly do what you are looking for. The man page for the BSD sed on OS X says of the s command: Substitute the replacement string for the first instance of the regular expression in the pattern space. I am escaping the forward slash and, What is the simplest way to remove a trailing slash from each , You can use the ${parameter%word} expansion that is detailed here. Backward or forward slashes with backslashes or escaping all forward slashes in the repos, but not all slashes! In Makefile Loading branch information ; 2 Makefile is set in bash used of. Found from experience is that I need but the last gsub replacement is not backward... Defined by variables in bash on this Add or remove trailing slash from a bash script from within the itself... Store and release energy ( e.g // ' myfile.txt > myfile_noslash.txt something else /. Forward-Slash using sed & Linux Stack Exchange d ' /etc/fstab or whatever makes it easiest to read example! 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