problems facing the military today
And that’s quite a bit different than what I saw in the fall. For example, suicide rates among veterans continue to soar. So the White House has a strategy for the Arctic region with a number of milestones built into it. But I’ll tell you, you know, we are, I would have to say—there’s an issue of magazine depth there in terms of interceptors, and there is—you know, we’re on the wrong side of the cost curve as well. And, rumor has it, there’s a prospect of a new commander in chief and administration in a little more than eight months. By the way, the biggest change in Iraq and Syria, and ISIS, and from an air perspective is, in August of ’14, when this began, we looked at them as a terrorist group and we targeted them as a terrorist group, and we tried to collect intelligence on them as a terrorist group. Q: Hi. They’ve been active in there. I can assure you from personal witness that chaplains are out there. SANGER: OK, to the question of wish list. That’s where we have to go—. The Army ultimately enlisted 70,000, a shortfall of 7,600. Each year, the military must recruit about 150,000 enlistees. And it’s correct that there’s going to have to be some Sunni ground force. If conscription were implemented, many would still volunteer but it is reasonable to assume that a higher quality force could be generated from a pool of 1,020,000 than from a pool of 180,000. But cyber it seems as if in the past eight or 10 years we’ve come to the conclusion now this can be used right alongside everything else. But let’s start with today. We’re going to do what we have to do to support the policy makers. There is no doubt that there is a serious problem in manning the American military. That’s their job. And they—as a result of that, the initial strategy that Mark referred to let them have a vote and kind of direct activity for probably the first six, eight months, in my view. You have to demonstrate outcomes and the impact on regional stability, where the United States has an inherent responsibility. There’s U.S. interests at stake. So I think as kind of a two-prong approach, the ability to communicate directly with them is probably beyond my understanding of the politics of this, but I think, you know, we’re going to have to figure out how to communicate ideally through probably the Chinese and leverage the Chinese to do that. And yet you also have a discussion going on in the country about whether or not we even want to be engaged around the world as fully as we have been. He is probably well-known to many of you who watched TV during the Deepwater Horizon spill, which was something that he was the on-scene coordinator for the federal government, directing the 47,000 responders to that. Majuro, 70,000 people. Many also … So we are the global power. So tell us a little bit about what you’re doing in the Pacific, something people don’t think all that much about because they think of—much more of your closer to home operations. This is just contesting messaging and words and ideas and thoughts on what we would call social media. Everyone recognizes the biggest challenges facing the U.S. Army. What is the appropriate force structure in the Navy when combined with the joint force that can take on the missions that we’ve been assigned, including Russia, including ISIS, some of those forces that weren’t even on the table the last time we did this? And it’s not just the military. I have a question about what has been called hybrid warfare or gray conflict. So our adversaries—not necessarily North Korea but other countries like Iran—have developed a very large inventory of short-, medium-range missiles that are just conventional weaponry, but they could very easily overwhelm, you know, a certain number of Patriot batteries or other capabilities that have a capability to shoot them down. Military officers behaving badly have been making headlines. And so numbers matter in our business. It’s interesting with some countries is that when you do things in response to their actions and they then accuse you of doing something to aggravate them, which causes them to do something. That’s still there. Tell us a little bit about how we’re thinking differently today, if at all, about the contingency of being once again the conflict on the Korean Peninsula. The question is, you know, we’ve only got so many bullets. It is one of capability—its leadership, training, equipment—and for about two years there they had a big gap and they became essentially very poorly trained, poorly led after we left from ’11 to ’14. Edward Alden, CFR’s Bernard L. Schwartz senior fellow specializing in U.S. economic competitiveness, trade, and immigration policy, and Jennifer Hillman, senior fellow for trade and international political economy at CFR, sit down with James M. Lindsay to discuss the incoming Biden administration’s likely approach to trade policy. Q: I’m Padma Desai, economics professor at Columbia University. And they are out there. SANGER: Yeah. (Laughter. They had what looked like fielded military forces. So you get into this tit-for-tat thing, and I think the real issue is how do you, OK, let’s stop; we need to step back on this. Posted by Nicole Smith, Dec 7, 2011 ... a problem the military does not want yet continues to promote. So I think their provocations, which go back to the sinking of the South Korean ship and the things they’ve done with missile technology and missile shots, makes everybody a little bit nervous and makes the whole region unstable. (Laughter.). They’ve taken Hit. And so we—you know, we design those very carefully. That’s the active Army, the regular Army. Transition 2021: What Will Biden’s Trade Policy Look Like? A fair, efficient, sustainable, legal and proven alternative to fix the military recruiting problem is readily available: conscription using a lottery based system with no exemptions and no deferments. I don’t assign causality to ocean temperatures—I have to deal with the consequences—but even when you look at Hurricane Sandy, when you have storm inundations that we have never seen before in history—and if you look at some of the climate maps of what would Florida look 50 years from now, where we have military infrastructure, where we have airports, we have maritime infrastructure, so we need to think long term. And this is the first time I’ve ever seen the U.S. government acknowledge the use of offensive cyber capability, and make the point that it is just another weapon in the arsenal. Build quiet subs and put them in the straits. A number of allegations in recent months regarding questionable ethical behavior-- as well as that which is decidedly unethical -- have afflicted nearly every segment of the armed forces including the Navy, Air Force, National Guard, and the Marines. You’ve going to have counterterrorism operations, whether it’s ISIS or something like it, for as far as the eye can see, we suspect. So that force is now being rebuilt. They’re repositioning some capabilities up towards Mosul. And I think we would be a little better—we’d be much better off if we were a little more supportive—and those countries have capability and we need to be a less dismissive of them and figure out how to use them in a more effective, better way. It’s calving. (Laughter. (Laughter.). SANGER: You’re going to go down to at least 450(,000). SANGER: I wanted to talk a little bit about another considerable adversary, one that you’re facing in the Pacific. And that will be—that could be a challenge, especially on the Syrian side of the border. And one of the things we’re all facing is that the military services have all shrunk. There’s a lot of concern that something could go wrong along the way, that somebody could get a little hot-headed. ZUKUNFT: I’ll make—I’ll make this a twofer, actually. You know, when you travel around, you go to Iraq—and there’s people that don’t like us but, I mean, you’ve been around the world. You may not have seen them but they’re there. Some, for sure, to train, advise, assist, enable, to provide some forward advisory effort to bring in fires from either naval or air platforms and to help the Iraqi Security Forces to build up their capabilities, and the Kurdish forces. Governments and researchers have been working with an extremely ambitious timetable to provide billions of people with immunity to the new coronavirus. RICHARDSON: I think we’re getting closer to those types of solutions, yeah. We’ve re-established that force presence there, so you’ve got the full complement of Third Marine Expeditionary Force that’s there with air, ground, and logistics. These are the 10th graders in your local high school. WELSH: Thank you, sir. SANGER: I remember in 2010 being in Beijing—early 2011, with Secretary Gates, your old boss, General Milley. Our military veterans have seen it … Get the military's most comprehensive news and information every morning. It’s melting. Admiral John Richardson, our newest arrival here. But by doing that, that puts pressure on the force. And I can tell you from being a commander at various levels in that combat that chaplains play a critical role. So that’s a difficult—very difficult policy question on, how do we get to the reset on this? And I’m not going to speak to those authorities that are available to the president of the United States and the national leadership under authorities that they use to protect the nation. SANGER: China is a long-term challenge, for the reasons we’ve discussed. We are just past that step in the unmanned world. That is a strategic condition that has not existed in Europe for seven decades. The ‘56 Hungarian invasion was—they weren’t a sovereign country at the time. (Laughter.) SANGER: When I walk through your building, on those days that they let me in, I hear people say, you know, we’re not going to accomplish the task of actually destroying them until we have a Sunni force on the ground that can take them on on the ground in a way that President Obama has clearly been unwilling to allow American forces to go do, given the experiences of Iraq and Afghanistan. You’ve got the jobs thinking about the future of the force. One of the recent investigations into issues facing veterans and military families is the report produced by the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), which provided a number of alarming findings. So I wonder if you can tell us a little bit about how you integrate that. They’re actioning targets. You look like an alien. MILLEY: I would just advocate, you know, if you haven’t read the book by Robert Haddick called “Fire on the Water,” which really delineates this whole access denial. SANGER: So we have just a few minutes left, so we’re going to do a little lightening round and collect up just two or three questions and ask them to answer the ones they want to answer and avoid the rest, right? Admiral Zukunft, we had a discussion the other day about global warming and what potential threats that poses to populations, the possibility of new conflicts that come up as you have rising seas. And so, you know, for what it takes to put a carrier strike group together you can build an anti-ship cruise missile for $2 million. Than, you know, when you look at—if you want itself and govern all people in Iraq Afghanistan. Why, in Brief by Bruce Hoffman January 7, 2011... problem... 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