moist in a sentence

of the region between the tree-limit and the snow-line), there is a marked predominance of species that affect moist localities; and conversely, the majority of alpine flowers of wet habitat are found also in the north. moist slough is visually repugnant and malodorous, and provides an ideal culture medium for bacteria. It is a dark-coloured crystalline solid which melts at 194° C. and boils at 268° C. It fumes in moist air and deliquesces gradually. Applying hot packs or hot moist towels may help relieve discomfort. The relative humidity of the air along the shores of the Gulf is high, so that exposure to the direct and reflected rays of the sun and radiation from the hot soil are encountered in a moist atmosphere. . The recipe makes a loaf, which stays moist for up to a week. The aspen is found in moist places, sometimes at a considerable elevation, 1600 ft. An oxide, Ni 3 0 4, has been obtained by heating nickel chloride in a current of moist oxygen at about 400° C. (H. When prepared by the precipitation of nickel salts with alkaline sulphide in neutral solution it is a greyish black amorphous compound which readily oxidizes in moist air, forming a basic nickel sulphate. The husk should be bright green and silky, almost moist. Flax prospers most when grown upon land of firm texture resting upon a moist subsoil. The leading edge of moist air will reach the Mississippi Valley. the atmosphere never becomes unpleasantly moist. The eye, for example, is damp and porous, and the act of seeing consists in the reflection of the image (SELKeAov) mirrored on the smooth moist surface of the pupil. There is no lack of fertile soil, and the climate is moist enough to make up for the absence of running water. The monoxide, K 2 0, may be obtained by strongly heating the product or burning the metal in slightly moist air; by heating the hydroxide with the metal: 2KHO+2K= 2K 2 0+H 2; or by passing pure and almost dry air over the molten metal (Kiihnemann, Chem. A large yellow tulip (Homerica pallida) is one of the most abundant flowers on moist vlei lands on the high veld and is occasionally met with in the low veld; slangkop (Urginea Burkei) with red bulbs like a beetroot is a low bush plant apparently restricted to the Transvaal and adjacent Portuguese territory. In the south and east the weather is generally changeable, stormy and moist; whilst on the north the rainfall is less. Menu. Where the nervous system is exhausted, such warm and moist climates as Malaga, Madeira, Tenerife and Grand Canary are suitable. French Translation of “moist” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. treat the injury with moist heat When might damp be a better fit than moist? Encourage roots to grow downward by watering enough to moisten the soil about 6 inches down. A few different moist treats are listed below. moist enough to prevent it from drying out completely. Alcohols may be readily prepared from the corresponding alkyl haloid by the action of moist silver oxide (which behaves as silver hydroxide); by the saponification of their esters; or b the reduction of of h dric alcohols by P Y Y with hydriodic acid, and the subsequent conversion of the resulting alkyl iodide into the alcohol by moist silver oxide. Even small strips of the muscle of the heart, if taken immediately after the death of the animal, continue, when kept moist and warm and supplied with oxygen, to "beat" rhythmically for hours. As with so many lipsticks that are creamy and moist, the PlantLove lipsticks do have a tendency to fade after several hours. The monoxide, Na 2 0, is obtained by heating the metal above 180° in a limited amount of slightly moist oxygen (Holt and Sims, Journ. It does well in moist soils. It forms a white silky mass which volatilizes at about 400° C. It deliquesces in moist air, and is decomposed violently by water. He slid an arm under her and gently took her hand in his, planting a warm moist kiss in the center of the palm. If we keep cool and moist, and meet with no accidents, we often live for five years. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words. above the sea, the limit of the luxuriant growth of that hardy conifer in Britain; and in moist valleys or on imperfectly drained acclivities Norway spruce is more suitable. Everyone who studies the effects of moist snuff comes up with the same conclusion. The monoxide, Na 2 0, is obtained by heating the metal above 180° in a limited amount of slightly moist oxygen (Holt and Sims, Journ. The climate, though moist, is healthy, and the people are generally tall and robust. How many syllables does moist have? Its situation is very beautiful, the moist climate (mean annual rainfall, 74 in.) There he scooped a bed in the sandy floor, away from the moist walls. They are preferable if your skin is dry, whereas moist or weepy skin is best treated with a cream. The principal crops are wheat, barley, millet and coffee, the last-named more particularly on the western slopes of the range within reach of the moist sea-breezes. Then water can be added to keep the pile moist. : Encourage roots to grow downward by watering enough to moisten the soil about 6 inches down. She reached down, scooping up a hand full of the moist snow, and forced it into a loose ball. The method is as follows: If waste silk is piled in a heap in a damp, warm place, and kept moist and warm, the gum will in a few days' time begin to ferment and loosen, and can then be washed off, leaving the true thread soft and supple; but the smell caused by the fermentation is so offensive that it cannot be practised in or near towns. It slowly decomposes in moist air, liberating sulphuretted hydrogen, and with water it gives a yellow solution which becomes colourless on exposure. The meat is moist closest to the bone, and these are choice cuts from a master butcher. It may be condensed to a dark red liquid which is decomposed by moist air into chromic acid and chromic fluoride. Moist is an adjective, as in the sentence, "She had a moist cloth in her hand." In Stanzas written in Dejection near Naples the two lines 4, 5, "The purple noon's transparent might, I The breath of the moist earth is light," were printed in the 1st edition, "` The purple noon's transparent light," owing to the homoeographon " might" "light.". The Reventazon, or Parismina, flows from the central plateau to the Caribbean Sea; despite the shortness of its valley, its volume is considerable, owing to the prevalence of moist trade-winds near its sources. with water at 150-200° C.; by the action of nitrous acid on inactive aspartic acid; and by the action of moist silver oxide on monobromsuccinic acid. In Yucatan the open plains, rich pasture, and comparative freedom from moist heat, insects and vampire bats, have been particularly favourable to cattle-raising, and the animals are generally rated among the best in Mexico. 3. It deliquesces in moist air, and is easily reduced to arsenic by heating with carbon. They were warm and moist but slightly rough like the hands. Tender Vittles was slightly moist and came in a sealed package. It does well in moist soils. In a soil, for example, naturally moist, it is proper to graft pears on the quince, because this plant not only thrives in such a soil, but serves to check the luxuriance thereby produced. The words of the cold and moist vegetable Prince were not very comforting, and as he spoke them he turned away and left the enclosure. In the moist and plastic slate the mineral particles slowly enlarged by the addition of new crystalline molecules. Cupric iodide is only known in combination, as in Cu12, 4NH 31 H 2 O, which is obtained by exposing Cu 2 I 2, 4NH 3 to moist air. The plant grows best in direct sunlight and with rich, moist soil. The various sclerotia, if kept moist, give rise to the fructifications of the fungi concerned, much as a potato tuber does to a potato plant, and in the same way the reserve materials are consumed. This is only obtainable in warm and moist localities where rains are frequent and copious. The silver salt, obtained by shaking an ether solution of nitroform with freshly prepared, slightly moist silver oxide, reacts with methyl iodide to form trinitroethane, a crystalline solid which melts at 56° C. Concentrated caustic potash decomposes the latter compound, forming the potassium salt of dinitroethane, CH3 C(N02)2K. How to use moist in a sentence. The Konkan is hot and moist, the fall of rain during the monsoon sometimes approaching 3 00 in. You'll want to also choose a well-marbled steak so the juices keep the meat moist during the broiling process. Frogs produce slime to keep their skin. Sentence with the word Moist. The simplest of all include: (z) the synthesis of sodium oxalate by passing carbon dioxide over metallic sodium heated to 3500 - 360'; (2) the synthesis of potassium formate from moist carbon dioxide and potassium, potassium carbonate being obtained simultaneously; (3) the synthesis of potassium acetate and propionate from carbon dioxide and sodium methide and sodium ethide; (4) the synthesis of aromatic acids by the interaction of carbon dioxide, sodium and a bromine substitution derivative; and (5) the synthesis of aromatic oxy-acids by the interaction of carbon dioxide and sodium phenolates (see Salicylic Acid). ‘A dry, crumbly or even slightly cloddy surface with moist, fine soil at seeding depth gives the crop a good head start over the weeds.’ ‘In late May, the young plants should be hardened off in a cold frame for a few days before planting in a sunny spot and a fertile, moist but well-drained soil.’ Translations of the phrase IS MOIST from english to czech and examples of the use of "IS MOIST" in a sentence with their translations: This is moist ! Beside him was his comrade Nesvitski, a tall staff officer, extremely stout, with a kindly, smiling, handsome face and moist eyes. Other popular types include the tall, slender Siberian iris for moist, fertile soil, with flowers of blue, indigo or white. that u moist your self How do you use damp and moist both in a sentence? Her skin felt moist and feverish. Houseflies can transmit diseases when feeding on liquefiable solid food, which may be moist, putrefying material or food stored for human consumption. 2. Kaffir lily is excellent for the middle of a sheltered sunny, moist but well-drained border. The spores may be sown as soon as ripe, and when the young plants can be handled, or rather can be lifted with the end of a pointed flat stick, they should be pricked out into well-drained pots or pans filled with similar soil and should be kept moist and shady. 237+10 sentence examples: 1. Besides fruits of nearly all kinds there are cultivated in the low moist regions the sugar-cane, the tea, coffee and tobacco plants, arrowroot, cayenne pepper, cotton, &c. The area under sugar in 1905 was 45,840 acres and the produce 532,067 cwt. Guybrush881920677It's moistand warm. Vigorous growing plants of great beauty, preferring good, deep, rather moist soil; the flowers small but very abundant, in large corymbose or spicate panicles. thrive in moist, heavy clay soil in cool, humid climate. Exposed to moist air it rapidly oxidizes to the hydroxide; and it burns on heating in air with a yellow flame, yielding the monoxide and dioxide. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples "Ah, there are still lights in the drawing-room!" Keep the soil in the pot moist but not too wet: 7. In the region of Galveston, along the northern section of the coast, where southerly or south-easterly winds from the Gulf prevail throughout the year, the climate is warm, moist and equable, but the moisture decreases westward and south-westward, and the equability, partly because of northerly winds during the winter months, decreases in all directions inland. During April (when the seed is usually sown) and May frequent light showers, which keep the ground sufficiently moist to assist germination and the growth of the young plants, are desired. F., in a moist atmosphere. Examples of moist in a Sentence I love cookies when they are moist and chewy. Large flocks of geese are kept in the moist lowlands; their flesh is salted for domestic consumption during the winter, and their feathers are prepared for sale. On the clay stoppers of wine jars of the remote age which goes by the name of the pre-dynastic period, and which preceded the historic period of the first Pharaohs, there are seal impressions which must have been produced from matrices, like those of Babylonia and Assyria, of the cylinder type, the impress of the design having been repeated as the cylinder was rolled along the surface of the moist clay. Against mine, intimate memories, moist, mostly still ours. The climate is exceptionally moist and warm (annual rainfall 52.79 in. moist air in a sentence | Sentence examples by Cambridge Dictionary Examples of moist air Circulation and convection can carry moist air upward in the air column, and this often cools moist air. The red larch grows usually on higher and drier ground, ranging from the Virginian mountains to the shores of Hudson Bay; the black larch is found often on moist land, and even in swamps. Holtz's machine is very uncertain in its action in a moist climate, and has generally to be enclosed in a chamber in which the air is kept artificially dry. Cavendish determined its constitution and showed that it could be synthesized by passing a stream of electric sparks through moist air. The most suitable soil is a light, sandy loam enriched with well decomposed manure, in a rather moist situation. It is found in Kumaon and Bhotan and on some of the Nepal ranges, but does not grow in the moist climate of the Sikkim Himalayas; it is found at a height of 7000 to 12,000 ft., and attains large dimensions; the wood is highly resinous, and is said to be durable; great quantities of a white clear turpentine exude from the branches when injured. It is a colourless, highly refracting liquid, boiling at 78°; it fumes on exposure to moist air. She breathed deeply of the moist night air and relaxed, stretching her feet toward the edge of the porch. Allow several days for fondant figures and decorations to dry out completely if you don't want them to be moist when you serve your cake. If mixture is too dry, add a little stock to keep it moist. The synthesis of nitric acid by passing electric sparks through moist air by Cavendish is a famous piece of experimental work, for in the first place it determined the composition of this important substance, and in the second place the minute residue of air which would not combine, although ignored for about a century, was subsequently examined by Lord Rayleigh and Sir William Ramsay, who showed that it consists of a mixture of elementary substances - argon, krypton, neon and xenon (see Argon). Grow in moist, fertile well drained soil in full sun will tolerate light shade. Sezanne yields Ferns in profusion, mingled with other shade-loving plants such as would grow under the trees in a moist ravine; its vegetation is comparable to that of an island in the tropical seas. It fares best in moist, humus rich, acid soil in deep or partial shade. All Rights Reserved. The definition of moist is something that is damp or a little wet. Copper is not affected by exposure in dry air, but in a moist atmosphere, containing carbonic acid, it becomes coated with a green basic carbonate. Every kind of terrain is tenanted, from dense, moist and hot forests at the level of the sea to arid deserts, high plateaus and mountains. Spamster309827Her eyes were moistwith tears. Fog coated the ocean, and a cold, moist wind made her eyes water. Exposed to moist air it loses oxygen, possibly giving the dioxide, K 2 0 2; water reacts with it, evolving much heat and giving caustic potash, hydrogen peroxide and oxygen; whilst carbon monoxide gives potassium carbonate and oxygen at temperatures below loo°. French Swedish German Dutch Czech Croatian Italian Spanish Danish Latin Finnish Norwegian Russian Indonesian Fishes are not animals, and they are as cold and moist as the vegetables themselves. One of these, Cyathea dregei, found in moist places and open land, has a stem 20 ft. Definition of moist adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. If the situation is cool, the stone hard, and the concrete carefully rammed directly it is laid down and kept moist with damp cloths, only just sufficient to moisten the whole mass is required. Every precaution must be used to keep the air moist. in a sentence. The baker did an excellent job of creating formulae for making her cakes perfectly moist and delicious. Check the meaning of moist. Beneath the overcast sky the air was hot and moist. Cooking bags give today's health conscious cook an opportunity to serve moist, flavorful meat without artery clogging fat. This ensures a moist loaf and a more even distribution of the fruit. iodide by the action of moist silver oxide; by the reduction of acrolein; or by heating glycerin with oxalic acid and a little ammonium chloride to 260° C. In this last reaction glycerol monoformin is produced as an intermediate product, but is decomposed as the temperature rises: C3H5(OH)3+H2C204 = C3H5(OH),.0.CHO+C02+H20 glycerol monoformin C 3 H 5 (OH) 2.0. It gradually turns yellow on standing in moist air, owing to decomposition with liberation of iodine. The sand was soft between his toes, and he made his way to where the sand was moist but not wet. Sentence Examples. But what I learned about professional cooking and how it helps me keep my food moist and delicious is to pre-heat the oven between 350 to 400 degrees fahrenheit. "moist land"), the name of the submontane strip of marshy jungle stretching beneath the lower ranges of the Himalaya in northern India. The climate is practically unchanging all the year round, the atmosphere being uniformly moist, and though days of continuous downpour are rare, comparatively few days pass without a shower. in sixteen years; it succeeds best in deep loamy soil, but will flourish in nearly any moist but well-drained situation. 3. The climate is severe, great cold being experienced in winter, though moist west winds exercise a moderating influence. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB Others declare that it is more severe in moist and rainy weather than in clear weather. On nearly all lands irrigated some crops will grow in ordinary seasons without irrigation, but it is this that makes possible selection of crops; practically indispensable for all field and orchard culture in the south, save for a few moist coastal areas, it everywhere increases the yield of all crops and is practised generally all over the state. If your cookie ever gets too moist, then just place in a toaster oven (or regular oven) at 300° to bake for 15 minutes. Some common synonyms of moist are damp, dank, humid, and wet. The Bohea variety is hardy, and capable of thriving under many different conditions of climate and situation, while the indigenous plant is tender and difficult of cultivation, requiring for its success a close, hot, moist and equable climate. fostering on the steep surrounding hills a vegetation unusually luxuriant for the latitude. Examples of humid in a sentence: 1. The acid so obtained from ferrous sulphate (green vitriol) fumes strongly in moist air, hence its name "fuming sulphuric acid"; another name for the same product is "Nordhausen sulphuric acid," on account of the long-continued practice of this process at Nordhausen. Page 1. These trees include the weeping willow, which thrives in moist soil in USDA growing zones 5-11 and provides a drooping tree ranging from 30 to 50 feet. The moist water of the earth is exhausted by evaporation: 8. Frogs produce slime to keep their skin moist: 6. The same oxychloride is produced when the moist crystals, or their solution, are exposed to the air. Word, phrase, or sentence: Try out Spruce , our experimental quotations search engine. Days 29 - 30 Ascension Island is a dry volcanic island with a moist and richly vegetated top. Dough will be quite moist but should form a soft ball. It is sparingly soluble in water (one part in 3000); and the moist oxide frequently behaves as the hydroxide, AgOH, i.e. See more. It may be prepared by keeping moist and exposed to the air for from four to six weeks, at a temperature of 20° to 25° C., a paste of powdered gall-nuts and water, and removing from time to time the mould which forms on its surface; the paste is then boiled with water, the hot solution filtered, allowed to cool, the separated gallic acid drained, and purified by dissolving in boiling water, recrystallization at about 27° C., and washing of the crystals with ice-cold water. Use pure lanolin to keep them moist between feedings. updraft of warm moist air is maintained as air enters the forward right flank at low altitude. The wide court had an air of humid dreariness. 2 : having a lot of moisture in the air: humid. Dogs that live outside in moist conditions may be more susceptible to fungal infections. Mouth ulcers Mouth ulcers are small sores in the moist tissues inside the mouth. Likes plenty of water and a moist peaty soil or marshy place. The Treacle Pudding with Vanilla Sauce (£ 3.95 ), was moist and very syrupy! On the opposite sides of the same chain the exposure to the sun or to warm winds may cause a wide difference in the level of permanent snow; but in some cases the increased fall of snow on the side exposed to moist winds may more than compensate the increased influence of the sun's rays. The clothes are still moist. The inner core helps to maintain the moist environment optimal for wound healing. While growing herbs in your home be sure to check that the plants are kept moist, but not over-watered. The inner slope should be protected from the action of waves by so-called " hand-pitching," consisting of roughlysquared stonework, bedded upon a layer of broken stone to prevent local disturbance of the embankment by action of the water between the joints of the larger stones. The old count rose once more, glanced at a note lying beside his plate, and proposed a toast, "To the health of the hero of our last campaign, Prince Peter Ivanovich Bagration!" Shade, one of the best ground covers for deep shade, yellows in sun; prefers moist, well-drained, acid soil. How to use moist in a sentence. moist undried, sand, but sometimes of iron covered with a refractory coating to protect it from being melted or overheated by the molten cast iron. 1. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. Arsenic trichloride, AsCl3, is prepared by distilling white arsenic with concentrated sulphuric acid and common salt, or by the direct union of arsenic with chlorine, or from the action of phosphorus pentachloride on white arsenic. Fog is formed when warm moist air moves over a cold surface. The trees must be got to start growth very C - ---- - gradually, and at first the house should be merely kept closed at a temperature of about 45°, but the heat should gradually increase to 50° at night by the time the trees are in flower, and to 60° when the fruit is set, after which the house should be kept moist by sprinkling the walls and paths, or by placing water troughs on the return pipes, and the temperature should range from 65° by day to 70° or more with sun heat. Being prevalent and deadly lower altitudes prefers moist, flavorful meat without artery clogging fat kebabs were,. Are exposed to the raw, moist seedbed climate ( mean annual rainfall 52.79 in. dry volcanic Island a... Liberating sulphuretted hydrogen, and he moist in a sentence his way to where the soil about inches... Moist clumps begin to form properly can make many people uncomfortable a stream of electric through! 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