m othon the plague
He befriends some underground criminals so that they may smuggle him out of the city. Despondent, they waste away emotionally as well as physically. After Jacques dies, Othon volunteers to stay in the isolation camp – even after his own period of quarantine is up – because it makes him feel closer to his son. Othon treats his wife and children unkindly, but after his son dies of the plague, his character softens. After he contracts the plague, he is the first to receive some of Dr. Castel's plague serum. When he contracts the plague, he is the first to receive Dr. Castel's anti-plague serum. Rambert is reunited with his wife. Cottard, on the other hand, seems to flourish during the plague because it gives him a sense of being connected to others, since everybody faces the same danger. A haunting tale of human resilience in the face of unrelieved horror, Camus' novel about a bubonic plague ravaging the people of a North African coastal town is a classic of twentieth-century literature. ... Paneloux or Cottard. M. Othon today lives in officials who passively and helplessly wait for what will unfold next, … A supply of plague serum finally arrives, but there is enough to treat only existing cases, and the country's emergency reserves are depleted. M. Othon M. (Monsieur) Othon is hovering on the border of minor character land, but Jean Tarrou’s interest in him knocks him over the edge and makes him worth talking about. ", "Plague Reappearance in Algeria after 50 Years, 2003", "The Plague review – Neil Bartlett's ingenious update of Camus' chilling fable", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Plague&oldid=996503493, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with French-language sources (fr), Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz work identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 27 December 2020, at 00:23. When Othon expresses satisfaction at the "ordinary laws" being well-obeyed, Tarrou counters that they just seem acceptable given the current situation. Asked by bookragstutor. “The Narrator as Special Pleader. There are still some deaths (M. Othon, Rieux's wife, and worst of all, Tarrou), but it's ending. MATSUMOTO, Y. After extended negotiations with guards, Rambert finally has a chance to escape, but he decides to stay, saying that he would feel ashamed of himself if he left. In one sense, Othon shouldn’t really be dwelling on the past (that is, those that are dead) and wasting his time in mourning. On the other hand, if he’s using his grief positively to take care of others, the humanists wouldn’t exactly whack him on the nose for fighting against suffering for the good of man. Meanwhile, Jean Tarrou, a vacationer; Joseph Grand, a civil engineer; and Dr. Rieux, exhaustively treat patients in their homes and in the hospital. [15] On 13 March 1942, he informed André Malraux that he was writing "a novel on the plague", adding "Said like that it might sound strange, […] but this subject seems so natural to me. The book was published in 1947 and is considered one of the most important works by Camus. Jacques Othon. Fighting the plague is an affirmation of the human will to survive while the paralysis of fear and escapism are acts of surrender. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. [13], As early as April 1941, Camus had been working on the novel, as evidenced in his diaries in which he wrote down a few ideas on "the redeeming plague". Last updated by Jill D on 29 Jun 12:48 Answers: 1. Last updated by Jill D on 29 Jun 12:48 Answers: 1. In September and October, the town remains at the mercy of the plague. Othon treats his wife and children unkindly, but after his son dies of the plague, his character softens. At the end of October, M. Othon’s son is treated unsuccessfully for the plague and dies. "[16], This article is about the novel by Albert Camus. Official notices enacting control measures are posted, but the language used is optimistic and downplays the seriousness of the situation. Tarrou tells Rieux the story of his life and, to take their mind off the epidemic, the two men go swimming together in the sea. So it’s up for grabs.Oh, and make sure you check out "Symbols, Imagery, and Allegory" for fun with owls (and M. Othon). Another character, Father Paneloux, uses the plague as an opportunity to advance his stature in the town by suggesting that the plague was an act of God punishing the citizens' sinful nature. He is tall and thin and, as Tarrou observes in his journal, "his small, beady eyes, narrow nose, and hard, straight mouth make him look like a well-brought-up owl." The Plague. An old man, he is the first victim of the plague. “Sur ‘le fils de M. Othon’ dans La Peste.” Études de Langue et de Littérature françaises de l’Université de Hiroshima 27 (2008): 34-41. The narrator remains unknown until the start of the last chapter, chapter 5 of part 5. A gripping tale of human unrelieved horror, of survival and resilience, and of the ways in which humankind confronts death, The Plague is at once a masterfully crafted novel, eloquently understated and epic in scope, and a parable of ageless moral resonance, profoundly relevant to our times. The plague, for the present, offers life to Cottard. M. Michel: M. Michel works in Dr. Rieux's office building and is the first person in the city to die of the plague. Asked by bookragstutor. This is a fuzzy existentialism vs. humanism line. Tarrou is also quite interested in Rieux’s old asthmatic patient, who is voluntarily bed-ridden and wastes time gleefully like it’s his job. The Plague Who is M. Othon in The Plague by Albert Camus? © 2021 Shmoop University Inc | All Rights Reserved | Privacy | Legal. A "special ward" is opened at the hospital, but its 80 beds are filled within three days. Check out the conversation between these two men. The Plague Who is M. Michel in The Plague by Albert Camus? Cottard went his usual desultory ways, and M. Othon, the magistrate, continued to parade his menagerie. In this coronavirus pandemic, their responses are mirrored by todays officials. [2] Oran and its surroundings were struck by disease several times before Camus published his novel. Towards the end of October, Castel's new antiplague serum is tried for the first time, but it cannot save the life of Othon's young son, who suffers greatly, as Paneloux, Rieux, and Tarrou tend to his bedside in horror. Eulogy for a Child; specifically of Philippe Othon in Camus’ The Plague. M. Michel is the concierge of the building in which Rieux lives. In Oran, a coastal town in North Africa, the plague begins as a series of portents Othon, however, does not escape death from the disease. [8], Thomas L Hanna and John Loose have separately discussed themes related to Christianity in the novel, with particular respect to Father Paneloux and Dr Rieux. This disease takes a toll on the citizens of Oran, which make them turn on each other and for some, they question the existence of God. In mid-August, the situation continues to worsen. But what really seems to get Tarrou’s goat, what prompts him to call Othon "Enemy Number One," is the magistrate’s statement that "It’s not the law that counts, it’s the sentence. Despite the epidemic's ending, Tarrou contracts the plague and dies after a heroic struggle. He reflects on the epidemic and declares he wrote the chronicle "to simply say what we learn in the midst of plagues : there are more things to admire in men than to despise". The novel reveals the feelings of the people that experienced the disaster of living in a plague stricken tone. Rambert informs Tarrou of his escape plan, but when Tarrou tells him that there are others in the city, including Dr. Rieux, who have loved ones outside the city whom they are not allowed to see, Rambert becomes sympathetic and offers to help Rieux fight the epidemic until he leaves town. When the daily number of deaths jumps to 30, the town is sealed, and an outbreak of plague is officially declared. They both approach fellow doctors and town authorities about their theory but are eventually dismissed on the basis of one death. Part 1 (99% in) M. Othon, the magistrate , assured Dr. Rieux that he had found the preacher's arguments "absolutely irrefutable. One family he observes is that of M. Othon, the police magistrate, who we can assure you will be somewhat, if peripherally, important later on. The separation affects daily activity and depresses the spirit of the townspeople, who begin to feel isolated and introverted, and the plague begins to affect various characters. Tarrou watched the little old man, and the little old man spat on the cats. Cottard is distressed by the ending of the epidemic from which he has profited by shady dealings. M. Michel: M. Michel is the concierge of the building in which Rieux lives. He begins a gun fight in town and soon his taken into custody by the police. After the death of his son, some gentleness appears in Othon’s character, but he dies of plague … Asked by bookragstutor. [1], Camus used as source material the cholera epidemic that killed a large proportion of Oran's population in 1849, but situated the novel in the 1940s. The Plague Who is M. Othon in The Plague by Albert Camus? Asked by bookragstutor. Cottard goes mad and shoots at people from his home, and is soon arrested after a brief skirmish with the police. The Plague Near the end of October, Dr. Castel's new anti-plague serum is ready to test. The narrative tone is similar to Kafka's, especially in The Trial, whose individual sentences potentially have multiple meanings; the material often pointedly resonating as stark allegory of phenomenal consciousness and the human condition. The quiet crowd which suddenly breaks into a shrill crying stampede is triggered by the realization that the actor has thrust his arms and legs into the plague victims' strained, splayed last thrust for life. He addresses the problem of an innocent child's suffering and says it is a test of a Christian's faith since it requires him either to deny everything or believe everything. Homes are quarantined; corpses and burials are strictly supervised. [9][10] Louis R Rossi briefly discusses the role of Tarrou in the novel, and the sense of philosophical guilt behind his character. He also hardens his heart regarding the plague victims so that he can continue to do his work. This is ironic because there is no reason for anyone in the city to be suspected more than others of being contaminated with plague. M. Othon A police magistrate of Oran who is strict and severe with everyone, including his children. Rieux is later informed via telegram that his wife has also died. When Othon's period of quarantine ends, he chooses to stay in the camp as a volunteer because this will make him feel less separated from his dead son. People try to escape the town, but some are shot by armed sentries. Jacques Othon:Jacques Othon is M. Othon's young son. He contracts the plague and dies. Last updated by Jill D on 29 Jun 12:49 Answers: 1. Deaths aside, the town gates are opened and Rambert is finally reunited with his "wife" from Paris. The town gates are shut, rail travel is prohibited, and all mail service is suspended. This is best done by focusing one character (perhaps two, but not more—for the sake of focus). Jacques Othon is M. Othon's young son. ... particularly as I’m still only at the point of trying to pin down what people really mean by existentialism. Germaine Brée has characterised the struggle of the characters against the plague as "undramatic and stubborn", and in contrast to the ideology of "glorification of power" in the novels of André Malraux, whereas Camus' characters "are obscurely engaged in saving, not destroying, and this in the name of no ideology". According to an academic study, Oran was decimated by the bubonic plague in 1556 and 1678, but all later outbreaks (in 1921: 185 cases; 1931: 76 cases; and 1944: 95 cases) were very far from the scale of the epidemic described in the novel.[3]. Two government employees approach him, and he flees. Dr. Rieux consults his colleague, Dr. Castel, about the illness until they come to the conclusion that a plague is sweeping the town. Jacques Othon: The son of M. Othon, Jacques Othon dies after he receives a failed anti-plague serum. One character, Raymond Rambert, devises a plan to escape the city to join his wife in Paris after city officials refused his request to leave. M. Othon: M. Othon is a judge in the city of Oran. As we know, Tarrou has it in for men of the justice system, men like police magistrates, which Othon is. And that is something we must all accept. MCCANN, J. To us, this sounds great – but how would it sound to Camus? The novel presents a snapshot of life in Oran as seen through the author's distinctive absurdist point of view. In February, the town gates open and people are reunited with their loved ones from other cities. M. Othon: M. Othon is a magistrate in Oran. Funerals are conducted with more speed, no ceremony and little concern for the feelings of the families of the deceased. The inhabitants passively endure their increasing feelings of exile and separation. "What an odd statement! The Plague (French: La Peste) is a novel by Albert Camus, published in 1947, that tells the story of a plague sweeping the French Algerian city of Oran. It seems that Dr. … The Plague, by Albert Camus, is a vivid description of a horrid epidemic. However, Grand makes an unexpected recovery, and deaths from the plague start to decline. As the death toll begins to rise, more desperate measures are taken. The Plague Check out the conversation between these two men. Tarrou, a mysterious guy, records more journal entries. Is Othon portrayed positively or negatively by this reaction? What follows is my attempt to engage with the text on this level. As we know, Tarrou has it in for men of the justice system, men like police magistrates, which Othon is. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from Shmoop and verify that you are over the age of 13. It asks a number of questions relating to the nature of destiny and the human condition. An old man, he is the first victim of the plague. Paneloux cannot produce a moral or rational explanation for an innocent child's horrible death. Although, sure, we guess, Othon is a magistrate, so he deals more with the sentencing part than with the laws themselves. The Plague (French: La Peste) is a novel by Albert Camus, published in 1947, that tells the story of a plague sweeping the Algerian city of Oran. Tall and dark, M. Othon had something of the air of what used to be called a man of the world, and something of an undertaker's assistant. By late January the plague is in full retreat, and the townspeople begin to celebrate the imminent opening of the town gates. The use of telephone lines is restricted only to "urgent" calls, leaving short telegrams as the only means of communicating with friends or family outside the town. The main character, Dr. Bernard Rieux, lives comfortably in an apartment building when strangely the building's concierge, M. Michel, a confidante, dies from a fever. Pneumonic plague (as opposed to bubonic) means the disease attacks the lungs, and can be spread through the air instead of by infected fleas. Rieux hears from the sanatorium that his wife's condition is worsening. His diatribe falls on the ears of many citizens of the town, who turned to religion in droves but would not have done so under normal circumstances. "No," the magistrate replied, "I've come to meet Madame Othon, who's been to present her respects to my family." Authorities, including the Prefect, are slow to accept that the situation is serious and quibble over the appropriate action to take. Grand hurried home every evening to his mysterious literary activities. Cottard becomes unhinged at the thought that he will soon have no one to suffer with him. It asks a number of questions relating to the nature of destiny and the human condition. The Plague (French: La Peste) is a novel by Albert Camus, published in 1947, that tells the story from the point of view of a narrator of a plague sweeping the French Algerian city of Oran. The book begins with an epigraph quoting Daniel Defoe, author of A Journal of the Plague Year. He inquires about the death of his son Jacques and whether the child suffered very much before he passed away. Violence and looting break out on a small scale, and the authorities respond by declaring martial law and imposing a curfew. When Tarrou, Gonzales, and Rambert visit the stadium-turned-isolation-camp at the outskirts of town, they discover that M. Othon is the manager. To someone like Tarrou, this is indeed a travesty of what justice ought to be.But it’s hard to hate M. Othon when 1) he suffers the loss of his son, and 2) he reacts to that loss with grace and with compassion for others. His second sermon is an interesting variation on … A few days after the sermon, Paneloux is taken ill. His symptoms do not conform to those of the plague, but the disease still proves fatal. [4][5] The novel stresses the powerlessness of the individual characters to affect their destinies, the very pith of absurdism. For other uses, see, Camus (in Thody, 1970):345. The Plague Who is M. Michel in The Plague by Albert Camus? The Plague by Albert Camus takes place in an Algerian city known as Oran. The Plague is considered an existentialist classic despite Camus' objection to the label. Authorities responding to public pressure order the collection and cremation of the rats, unaware that the collection itself was the catalyst for the spread of the bubonic plague. Grand begins working on his novel again. Fewer and fewer people die each day, and Oran begins to beat the plague. Cottard, a criminal remorseful enough to attempt suicide but fearful of being arrested, becomes wealthy as a major smuggler. Meanwhile, Rieux's wife has been sent to a sanatorium in another city, to be treated for an unrelated chronic illness. Madame Rieux The mother of Dr. Rieux. Raoul Finally, there is M. Othon, the magistrate of Oran. The Plague study guide contains a biography of Albert Camus, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. In the novel The Plague by Albert Camus, there are three charactersJoseph Grand, The Prefect and M. Othonwho represent how government officials respond to pestilence. Rats that are infected with a vicious disease known as “the plague” invade the city and nearly wipe out half of the population. But to no one else has it been so instantly gratuitous. Cottard went his usual desultory ways, and M. Othon, the magistrate, continued to parade his menagerie. Jacques Othon Jacques is M. Othon's small son. ... M. Othon tells Tarrou his wife is in quarantine but does not change his own habits. But this gets at what Tarrou would probably consider the arbitrary and absurd nature of law: people don’t care what the laws themselves are, as long as they are followed. Rieux is alone, reveals that he was the narrator this whole time (gasp! He urges the congregation not to give up the struggle but to do everything possible to fight the plague. The streetcars were always packed at the rush hours, empty and untidy during the rest of the day. M. Othon does catch the plague and dies as does Tarrou, yet Tarrou struggles and fights until the disease takes him in the end. She comes to visit her son during the first days of the plague. M. Othon: M. Othon is a magistrate in Oran. Here are some memorable quotes from the novel. What insights can we discover from Camus’ novel, The Plague, about moral motivations? [7] Marina Warner has noted the lack of female characters and the total absence of Arab characters in the novel, but also notes its larger philosophical themes of "engagement", "paltriness and generosity", "small heroism and large cowardice", and "all kinds of profoundly humanist problems, such as love and goodness, happiness and mutual connection". For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. M. (Monsieur) Othon is hovering on the border of minor character land, but Jean Tarrou’s interest in him knocks him over the edge and makes him worth talking about. But the serum is ineffective, and the boy dies after a long and painful struggle. He treats his wife and children unkindly, but after his son dies of the plague, his character softens. M Othon informs Tarrou that his Mme Othon is “under suspicion” for having taken care of her mother who has succumbed to plague. The Death of a Child in La Peste.” Orbis Litterarum LVI (2001): 399-416. Hysteria develops soon afterward, causing the local newspapers to report the incident. M. Michel. Paneloux, who has joined the group of volunteers fighting the plague, gives a second sermon. Tarrou and Rambert visit one of the isolation camps, where they meet Othon. Last updated by Jill D on 29 Jun 12:49 Answers: 1. He is tall and thin and, as Tarrou observes in his journal, "his small, beady eyes, narrow nose, and hard, straight mouth make him look like a well-brought-up owl." [12], The novel has been read as an allegorical treatment of the French resistance to Nazi occupation during World War II. In the town of Oran, thousands of rats, initially unnoticed by the populace, begin to die in the streets. "The Plague" is a famous allegorical novel by Albert Camus, who's known for his existential works. Part 1 The town is sealed off. The engine … Cottard and Tarrou attend a performance of Gluck's opera Orpheus and Eurydice, but the actor portraying Orpheus collapses with plague symptoms during the performance. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. The narrator of the chronicle says that he is Dr. Rieux and states that he tried to present an objective view of the events. Chaos prevails when the bubonic plague strikes the Algerian coastal city of Oran. When he contracts the plague, he is the first to receive Dr. Castel's anti-plague serum. In an interview on 15 November 1945, Camus said: "No, I am not an existentialist. Grand catches the plague and instructs Rieux to burn all his papers. This novel appeals to the emotions of the reader, and leaves the reader thinking about love, death, and freedom. [11] Elwyn Sterling has analysed the role of Cottard and his final actions at the end of the novel. However, as more deaths quickly ensue, it becomes apparent that there is an epidemic. Prefect: The Prefect is also reluctant to act swiftly to fight the plague. [6] Lulu Haroutunian has discussed Camus' own medical history, including a bout with tuberculosis, and how it informs the novel. Or in this case, Othon doesn’t care what the laws are as long as he can sentence the men who break them. Such people include M. Othon (sad), Jean Tarrou (catastrophically sad), and Rieux’s absent, invalid wife (we didn’t really know her that well). MCCARTHY, P. “The Use of Narrative in The Plague.” 12:48 Answers: 1 struck by disease several times before Camus published his novel he flees responses are mirrored todays. 30, the town gates are opened and Rambert visit the stadium-turned-isolation-camp at the ordinary. A sanatorium in another city, to be suspected more than others of being contaminated with plague families the! 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