john mcguigan dog trainer accused
You probably as behavioural practitioner understand that consequences drive behaviour, and know that all behaviour has a function, I was caught up in the place for a long time too. John McGuigan is the author of Your Dog Trainer’s 5 Step Guide to Dog Training and is well known for his presence online as the Glasgow Dog Trainer. As always, predators rest their belief that women won't directly speak out because of their own shame, and guilt. It’s EVERYWHERE I go!!! [edit 16/03/2020 - A helpful fan of Johns has rightfully pointed out the 'inconsistency in my story', I'm pleased this is what she took away from it. If you are a victim of John's and want to stand for action contact the the Police Officer here; If you are a victim of sexual abuse by ANYONE please know that we all stand together. He has been removed from several speaking gigs and online platforms. If you are interested in being informed of future events, please fill out the form. There is no ambiguity, this isn't hearsay or vicious rumour or misinterpretation. Yes No. Your next level of performance relies on your next level of truth. My intimate relationship with John was strung over a few months, very intense and involved a strong push pull dynamic. Incidents that we are aware of have occurred as recently as 6 weeks ago. His post is an admission of guilt, and power move to control the narrative and appear himself as the suffering and helpless victim whilst hiding the details of the story. What IS brave is all the women who have endured hours of interviews and personal, embarrassing, shameful details of their intimate life to take appropriate action or share their story, and risk judgement, ridicule and backlash to stand for others. I am not prepared to stand by and allow that irrespective of my personal ethical stance of whether he can help it, I don’t think he can, and I hope he gets the help he needs. She had been through a tough time and wanted to talk to me about Johns abusive behaviour toward her. This damage limitation attempt gets him immediate gratification for the vanity metrics of likes and comments and has also made it possible for some of the “women he sought company of” to go public and give you the specifics and detail he’s conveniently left out of his PR move. There were early signs that I didn’t see the significance of at the time. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. I am sorry your voice wasn’t heard by me in in your most vulnerable moment when you chose me to confide in. Do you know what sucks, I’ve sat with him many evenings chuckling as he said to me “watch this, I’m going to wade in and shut that shit down” when his social media page was kicking off with angry people. I didn’t support women when they were telling me their truth. When he tells the story in persona, he calls me and the other women fronting this “psychotic exes” who are trying to “ruin him”. It is protected from claims toward “rights to privacy” because John brought his side of the story to social media first and this is my response. Here’s what John would have needed to say in order to be genuinely ‘seeking consent’; “I’d like to dehumanise you, fuck you for a few weeks, lie to you about having a future together so you’ll give me your body and agree to do things in you’ll deeply regret later. We are all, taking you exactly as we have found you John. or. Most of all, his own words, uttered maybe two meetings into our relationship - ought to have been the biggest warning; “I made a mistake a few years ago and there are some psychotic women who are trying to destroy me for it. One to one private or small group training carried out in your home or local area. Facebook. I’ll pull strings to ensure you are blocked from the international speaking circuit and I’ll make sure I’m super charming, charismatic and believable and that you look completely hysterical and unreliable because I’ve worked on this for a long time now. All I want to do it live my life peacefully, help people and their dogs and develop good business relationships. Jamie talks to John McGuigan, Glasgow Dog Trainer & Behaviour Consultant, about his evolution as a dog trainer and the challenges involved in running a rapidly growing business. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. However, turning a blind eye is granting permission for his behaviour to continue, and I am not prepared to be complicit in this. However, as I have previously had a personal relationship with him, he has used this to suggest my challenge was also personal. I thought it was Susan we were waiting to see, and I can't remember who was on later that day, perhaps Dr Joe Layng or someone else equally awesome. It was like we had a little secret that no one knew. Aug 28, 2016 - John McGuigan is a professional dog trainer and behaviour consultant with over ten years experience training dogs. have contacted each other and over the last year have engaged in an orchestrated campaign against me. I shared this in a private message to all my industry friends. There is a power dynamic at play with flattery, admiration, all at play and feelings for a man they want to “keep”. Previous Post Celebration Fl Dog Training. Consent, by law requires two parts, both freedom and capacity. The police investigating details are as follows. John McGuigan Glasgow Dog Trainer; Published by Dale McCluskey's Dog Training. Here’s hoping! We agreed to call each other after the conference – neither of us wanted to miss Susan F talk – obviously. See more of Glasgow Dog Trainer and Behaviour Consultant on Facebook. His post is offensive to those who are still suffering because of his behaviour and a very familiar lie that he’s peddled for years without any forward going effect on how intentionally he behaves. One to one private or small group training carried out in your home or local area. View John Mcguigan’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Neither I, nor anyone involved as far as I am aware, have ever contacted his family, and the only reason I have protected him this long is because he has children, and clearly, he has a problem. Our understand and belief system is largely a result of our experiences. Sections of this page. I didn’t know at the time that a significant proportion of the room felt the same. Unfortunately, I will never face my accusers or have any way to formally clear my name. I turned away women who turned to me for help. It was never my intention. I created a social media post for women to be heard and be supported. John McGuigan Glasgow Dog Trainer; Published by Dale McCluskey's Dog Training. I deny these allegations entirely. As a human, I largely believe in compassion over punishment. Not only is his erect penis in the pictures, so is his face. No one can quiet you without your permission. View all posts by Dale McCluskey's Dog Training Published September 26, 2020. Especially when I knew what I did and was too blinded by him to serve you the way I should have. Subject line: Serious professional concerns. I will fuck with your head, alternate between making you think I’m going to kill myself and making you think we are going to get married and ‘rule the industry’ until you don’t know what the fuck is going on to ensure that my ‘vulnerability’ appears to your better nature and you’ll give me anything I ask for. Is that cool?”. InsideOut Dog Training 634,630 views It doesn't matter if you “don't believe”, I'm not trying to change your mind. John is well known for his training videos Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Your Dog Trainers 5 Step Guide To Dog Training: How to have a well behaved and obedient dog in only 15 minutes a day (English Edition) eBook: McGuigan, John: Kindle Store #modernwoman. The media presents a key democratic space by which to ensure that long suppressed accounts of sexual violence and trauma surface and are taken seriously, we must ensure bad men can’t use the law to silence women. Like many of the women involved, I kept contact with John for a long time after we romantically finished. Show Notes: You can find John’s website at You are not entitled to hear the full account of anyone's trauma in order for you to make a judgement call, this isn't jury service and I am not seeking your approval. However, I was not in a position to directly address the concerns, until he engaged my services professionally. I have several other professional dog trainers in the public eye who will speak to you if helpful to confirm their first-hand account. Sam is now a sought after presenter throughout Europe, training and educating other canine instructors on the subject of proprioception. So, I called them - all, one by one and shared my concerns. The police have an investigation wide open. There is nothing brave or courageous about his actions in posting what he did. Press alt + / to open this menu. He explained this was very distressing for his mental health. Pet Life Radio & PetLifeRadio © 2007-2015 PetLifeRadio, LLC All rights reserved. There are others writing their experiences and accounts which I encourage you to also read. Finally, I’d like you to ‘be discreet’ so none of you find out about each other (unless I choose to tell you as an ego boost at who I’ve conquered) and to ensure you feel isolated and ashamed after I discard you so you never speak out. Mr McGuigan was a student of mine focusing on business development for a short period of time, before obscene messages from him to some of my female students came to my attention. Posted by 8 months ago. You have an opportunity to hold you hands up, not defensively, but in honesty and accept there is a problem you must face through the appropriate channels. Capacity means they are able to consent to what’s happening, they fully understand what’s happening, and not under the influence of mind-altering substances, old enough, no language barrier etc. How To Train Your Dog Not To Pull - Loose Lead Walking Video - Duration: 6:26. I have developed healthier strategies to deal with my depression. [edit 16/03/2020 - A helpful fan of Johns has rightfully pointed out the 'inconsistency in my story', I'm pleased this is what she took away from it. I haven’t used my social media platforms, my student base – a total number of around 28,000 people - to EVER raise awareness of who he is or what he done. Written with the protection of Article 19 of the Declaration of Human Rights which states "everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Literally his opening line was; “So, this is going to be different. Sam graduated in Ethology at the Wageningen University in the Netherlands, then specialised in dog behaviour and training. Click here to find your nearest Rape & Sexual Assault Referral Center and talk to someone who can help. You can trust the techniques I use are the most modern available do to my membership of both the Pet Professionals Guild and The Institute of Modern Dog Trainers. They have been supported by a handful of people who don't like me and have kept these rumours going. I can’t help but imagine him revelling in the notoriety of the implied “survivors of JM Support Group” (not an actual group). After I employed John to work at our facility, one of my staff members parents – a Police Officer and former colleague of Johns warned me that he didn’t want “that man” anywhere need his daughter. He explained this was very distressing for his mental health. His position of influence as an educator and mentor gives him a duty of care to those people who seek to learn from him, and I feel strongly that this is being abused. John McGuigan is a professional dog trainer and behaviour consultant with over ten years experience training dogs. I contacted the charity. Being a behaviour practitioner, a personal growth nerd and having spent much of my adult life in recovery – I know a thing or two about mental illness. Glasgow Dog Trainer and Behaviour Consultant’s work with puppies, adolescent dogs and older dogs regardless of their background. Countless women approached me at events, sent anonymous emails and texts warning me that he was a sexual predator. It’s long, and only reflective of my own experiences. I won't minimize my story to cater to your comfort. Do no harm is an important part of courage, and you are still doing harm. Meet John McGuigan - The Glasgow Dog Trainer. Glasgow Dog Trainer is committed to continuing education and professional development. Post navigation. Furthermore, I’d like to maintain the guise of a friendship after I no longer need you for sex to ensure I can continue to influence your opinion of me, and if I am no longer able to do that for any reason, I’ll cut you off and talk shit about you to anyone who will listen. Both feeling threatened, both stating John was using nearing as an aversive. He teaches non-aversive, modern, science-based dog training to pet dog owners who are experiencing the full range of behaviour problems, from jumping up to aggression issues. View all posts by Dale McCluskey's Dog Training Published October 16, 2020. I made connections with women and always did everything I could for them to be consensual interactions. John McGuigan If you've not heard of him my dog training nerd friends, check him out! In order of appearance, I have taken many approaches over the last few months or so; friendly, concerned, desperate, angry, corporate, legal AND now thanks to his post, we are here on FB. They didn’t now him like I did. We agreed to call each other after the conference – neither of us wanted to miss Susan F talk – obviously. "As some of you may be aware, I have suffered from severe depression over the last decade. No thank you, and he put it away. On this video I provide context to the lame parenting example being offered by Force Free Trainer John McGuigan. The advice and dedication from this awesome trainer not only touches the lives of dogs in Scotland but the world over. I have learned as a businesswoman that generosity can absolutely be your weakness, but you can turn it into the strongest asset you have. He’s an international speaker and has been training dogs for over 10 years. I am speaking up now because he has opened this up to a public forum, and I get to stand for those who can’t have a voice. Risk your truth. It takes everything you have to stand in this level of truth and face it head on, please don't pressure anyone who isn't ready. Our biggest fears are our route to our growth plan IF you choose to be the Leader you could be. Dog Training Services for the Orlando, St Cloud, Kissimmee, Celebration, Melbourne and Central Florida Area. 36. None. I hope that you will give this situation the serious attention it deserves and am very happy for you to contact me if you require further information. I have shared his post underneath this text, so you can scroll read that first to bring yourself fully in the picture and be assured I am not misquoting. I can’t recommend John more. John McGuigan, are you still planning on coming to Texas in September for a seminar? That I got to comfort him…. Original post this is in response to, dated Friday 13th March for John McGuigan, The Glasgow Dog Trainer. When people have mental health issues, they seek ways to make themselves feel better; shopping, gambling, drinking, drugs, risk taking. He later told several people that I owed him money. Unfortunately John made his presence very known at the last conference I attended - ClickerExpo, so it's all a bit jumbled and unfuckingnecessary - onward], To support other women to be able to come forward with their stories you can share the hashtags, It takes everything you have to stand in this level of truth and face it head on, please don't pressure anyone who isn't ready. For all the time he has a hold on you, and feels able to manipulate your view of him, you will not get the full force or see his true colours. We wrote this letter to all the relevant the affiliate bodies. Additionally, I’ll also be screwing several other women with my unprotected penis and expose your body to potential sexual health risks AND I’d like to tell graphic stories and share your personal intimate details with said women. The freedom element of consent is drastically compromised when a public figure is involved. The two individual senders were both at woof. We are fortunate enough to have access to the best speakers from across the world, presenting on various topics related to dog training. His supporters will publicly defend him and add to the assault when we tell our truth, and it doesn't matter. To learn that your partner is in fact in a relationship with several other people, none of which he’s using protection with, exposing your body to sexual health risks and that your relationship is in fact solely to satisfy his sexual need and you are little more than a warm body, this is a violation of the consent you gave. Am concerned about his mental health formally clear my name is now added to that list spoke... Create smoke and mirrors women in our industry, appropriate training, a true is... Me, her hands shaking and asked if we could speak privately totally of!, that sentence said a lot, isn ’ t support women when they were telling their... They misunderstood or where ‘ overly sensitive ’, I will apologise anyone! 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