discipline according to mahatma gandhi
Gandhi stated that the most important struggle is to overcome their demons, fears and insecurities. True humility means most strenuous and constant endeavor entirely directed towards the service of humanity. Ashram Observances in Action, (1959), pp. © Navajivan Trust, 1969. If you find it necessary that your village barber should reach the attainments of the barber from Madras, you may train him to that. For them the practice of complete withdrawal of the mind from all outward things, even though it might be only for a few minutes every day, will be found to be of infinite use. And even as a hungry man relishes a hearty meal, a hungry soul will relish a heart-felt prayer. That is why the world’s praise fails to move me, indeed it very often stings me. If the thought is not under control, the other two have no value. If I take anything that I do not need for my own immediate use and keep it, I steal it from somebody else. Therefore, it is essential that all the disciplines should be taken as one. To attain to perfect purity one has to become absolutely passion-free in thought, speech and action; to rise above the opposing currents of love and hatred, attachment and repulsion. Hence closing of eyes during the prayers is an aid to such concentration. According to Mahatma Gandhi, literacy in itself was not education. Physical labour is essential for the observance of Non-stealing and Non-possession. If you would swim on the bosom of the ocean of Truth you must reduce yourself to zero. Without faith this world would come to naught in a moment. Prayer presupposes faith. In observing this principle one is led to a progressive simplification of one’s own life. Fourfold Division of Society and Four Stages of Life, SECTION XI : BASIC EDUCATION AND STUDENTS, A place for disciplined community living. Qualities of Votaries of Non-violence, 14. Ashram Observances in Action, (1959), pp. Just as one must not receive, so must one not possess anything which one does not really need. Silent communion will help them to experience an undisturbed peace in the midst of turmoil, to curb anger and cultivate patience. If we would seek His aid, we must approach Him with a humble and contrite heart... We must act, even as the mango tree which droops as It bears fruit. The heart is nothing else but the Atman or the seat of the Atman. Non-stealing and non-possession are rarely mentioned. He makes no exceptions whatsoever and you will find that every one of your prayers will be answered.
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discipline according to mahatma gandhi
Gandhi stated that the most important struggle is to overcome their demons, fears and insecurities. True humility means most strenuous and constant endeavor entirely directed towards the service of humanity. Ashram Observances in Action, (1959), pp. © Navajivan Trust, 1969. If you find it necessary that your village barber should reach the attainments of the barber from Madras, you may train him to that. For them the practice of complete withdrawal of the mind from all outward things, even though it might be only for a few minutes every day, will be found to be of infinite use. And even as a hungry man relishes a hearty meal, a hungry soul will relish a heart-felt prayer. That is why the world’s praise fails to move me, indeed it very often stings me. If the thought is not under control, the other two have no value. If I take anything that I do not need for my own immediate use and keep it, I steal it from somebody else. Therefore, it is essential that all the disciplines should be taken as one. To attain to perfect purity one has to become absolutely passion-free in thought, speech and action; to rise above the opposing currents of love and hatred, attachment and repulsion. Hence closing of eyes during the prayers is an aid to such concentration. According to Mahatma Gandhi, literacy in itself was not education. Physical labour is essential for the observance of Non-stealing and Non-possession. If you would swim on the bosom of the ocean of Truth you must reduce yourself to zero. Without faith this world would come to naught in a moment. Prayer presupposes faith. In observing this principle one is led to a progressive simplification of one’s own life. Fourfold Division of Society and Four Stages of Life, SECTION XI : BASIC EDUCATION AND STUDENTS, A place for disciplined community living. Qualities of Votaries of Non-violence, 14. Ashram Observances in Action, (1959), pp. Just as one must not receive, so must one not possess anything which one does not really need. Silent communion will help them to experience an undisturbed peace in the midst of turmoil, to curb anger and cultivate patience. If we would seek His aid, we must approach Him with a humble and contrite heart... We must act, even as the mango tree which droops as It bears fruit. The heart is nothing else but the Atman or the seat of the Atman. Non-stealing and non-possession are rarely mentioned. He makes no exceptions whatsoever and you will find that every one of your prayers will be answered.